[ncl-talk] Converting a polar stereographic netcdf to lat/lon

Andrew Kren - NOAA Federal andrew.kren at noaa.gov
Sat Jun 1 14:15:22 MDT 2024

Hi there,

I am not sure I am asking the right question, but here goes. I am reading
noaa stage IV precipitation data, found here:

The new data has been transformed to a polar stereographic grid. When I did
an ncl_filedump on the netcdf file, the variables were x, y and not
lat/lon. The x, y values are random positive/negative numbers, which I'm
guessing is some non lat/lon projection. My question is, is there a way in
NCL to convert this file so that the variables are in lat/lon coordinates?
Or is this something I need to do outside ncl?

Thanks for any help!


Andrew Kren
NOAA's National Weather Service
Raleigh Forecast Office
1005 Capability Drive, Suite 300
Raleigh, North Carolina 27606
voice: 919-326-1035
mailto: andrew.kren at noaa.govhttp://www.weather.gov/rah
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