[ncl-talk] Probability density function issue with missing values

Giorgio Graffino g.graffino at tim.it
Mon Jul 15 05:13:01 MDT 2024

Hello NCL experts,
I'm using the NCL function pdfx 
(https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/Contributed/pdfx.shtml) to 
compute probability density functions for a number of datasets. I think 
there is a problem with how the function deals with missing values.
I'm attaching two plots: Volcano_tempmovingtrend_timeseries_MMMpdf.png 
is obtained from ensemble-mean datasets (no missing values), while 
Volcano_tempmovingtrend_timeseries_MEMpdf.png is obtained from 
individual ensemble members of the same datasets (loads of missing 
values). The red lines in Volcano_tempmovingtrend_timeseries_MEMpdf.png 
are really messed up, probably because of the great amount of missing 
values in that dataset.
Is pdfx skipping missing values in the computation? What workaround can 
I implement to avoid the issue?
Many thanks,
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