[ncl-talk] How can I plot global maps for the current month, for lag months and for lead months?

Md. Jalal Uddin dmjalal90 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 6 03:11:39 MDT 2024

Dear All,

I have a netcdf file with time, lat and lon dimensions. The variable name
is sst. How can I make subplots for the current time, lag three months, and
lead 23 months? The data is monthly. I have added my code for the current
month only.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Dr. Jalal

*Postdoctoral Researcher,* Typhoon Research Center, Jeju National
University, South Korea

*PhD* in Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment, NUIST, China

*M.Sc.* in Applied Meteorology, NUIST, China

*B.Sc.* in Disaster Management, PSTU, Bangladesh

*Founder and Director* of Research Society

*Website*: https://researchsociety20.org/founder-and-director/

*E-mails*: founder-and-director at researchsociety20.org

              jalal at jejunu.ac.kr

              20205103002 at nuist.edu.cn
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