[ncl-talk] [ncl-install] Issue with ploting shapefile

Dave Allured - NOAA Affiliate dave.allured at noaa.gov
Tue Dec 31 07:45:19 MST 2024

Ehsan, thank you for testing.  It looks like my changes for "gsn_code.ncl"
need further debugging.  It is a good sign that "englandshp" worked with
the new code, because that demonstrated mostly working infrastructure for
X/Y swapping.

Let us move the debugging conversation off of the mailing lists.  Please
reply on Github issue #176 <https://github.com/NCAR/ncl/issues/176>.  I
need the following details:

1.  Full printed output of those diagnostic messages when trying to plot
"gadm41_CAN_shp" with the new gsn_code.ncl.

2.  Attach a zip file with the complete file set for the shapefile

On Tue, Dec 31, 2024 at 7:13 AM Ehsan Taghizadeh <ehsantaghizadeh at yahoo.com>

> Dear Dave,
> Thank you for your helpful reply.
> First, I should mention the GDAL version on our server:
> *$ ogrinfo –version*
> *GDAL 3.9.2, released 2024/08/13*
> Additionally, the NCL version installed by Conda on our server appears to
> be "h7cb714c_54". I tried to find the versions h8482486_9, h9ce15c7_1, or
> h7290063_6 mentioned as working well in issue *#56*
> <https://github.com/cedadev/ceda-jaspy-envs/issues/56>, but I couldn't
> locate them in the *build details from conda-forge*
> <https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/ncl/files>.
> It seems some shapefiles work well with the default NCL version from
> Conda. For instance, gadm41_CAN_shp
> <https://geodata.ucdavis.edu/gadm/gadm4.1/shp/gadm41_CAN_shp.zip> falls
> into this category. However, some shapefiles do not work with the default
> NCL in Conda. For example, "englandshp" (attached file) does not work well
> with the default NCL in Conda.
> When I replaced $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl with the
> one mentioned in issue #176 <https://github.com/NCAR/ncl/issues/176>, the
> situation changed. The "englandshp" worked well with the new gsn_code, but
> for gadm41_CAN_shp
> <https://geodata.ucdavis.edu/gadm/gadm4.1/shp/gadm41_CAN_shp.zip>, the
> following error was displayed:
> *(0)     shapefile_order_lat_lon: Error: Cannot parse.*
> *(0)       Unexpected output from 'ogrinfo -al $shapefile'.*
> *...*
> *(0)       Assume order of coordinates = lon/lat.*
> *(0)*
> *(0)     Diagnostics 1 for 'ogrinfo':*
> *GDAL 3.9.2, released 2024/08/13*
> *(0)*
> *(0)     Diagnostics 2 for 'ogrinfo':*
> *...*
> *(0)     Diagnostics 3 for 'ogrinfo':*
> *(0)     Parse results = False missing False False False False*
> *(0)     Number of lines in result = 1*
> *(0)     missing*
> *(0)     ----------------------------*
> *(0)       Assume order of coordinates = lon/lat.*
> *(0)     --- Working on time 2019020106 ---*
> *(0)     shapefile_order_lat_lon: Error: Cannot parse.*
> *(0)       Unexpected output from 'ogrinfo -al $shapefile'.*
> However, when I tried to run the simple NCL script from the NCL website to
> plot them, nothing was displayed for both shapefiles with the new gsn_code.
> load "./shapefile_utils.ncl"
> sname = "your_shapefile.shp"
> print_shapefile_info(sname)
> plot_shapefile(sname)
> For the "englandshp", nothing was displayed. For the CAN shapefile,
> nothing was displayed, and the following error occurred:
> *(0)     Diagnostics 3 for 'ogrinfo':*
> *(0)     Parse results = False missing False False False False*
> *(0)     Number of lines in result = 1*
> *(0)     missing*
> *(0)     ----------------------------*
> *(0)       Assume order of coordinates = lon/lat.*
> In summary, it seems that for some shape files, we should use the default
> gsn_code.ncl, while for others, we should use your gsn_code.ncl. This is my
> understanding. I would appreciate your thoughts on this.
> *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
> *Best regards,*
> *Ehsan Taghizade*
> On Sunday, December 29, 2024 at 02:17:40 PM PST, Dave Allured - NOAA
> Affiliate <dave.allured at noaa.gov> wrote:
> Ehsan, this is a known issue with recent NCL versions.  The lat and lon
> coordinates are swapped in some shape files, causing missing images, or
> mirror images along a 45 degree fold line.  That is what I see in your
> plots.
> This is discussed in Github issues #151
> <https://github.com/NCAR/ncl/issues/151> and #176.  In #176 I show a
> diagnostic method to determine swapped coordinates.  I also provide a
> modified NCL library file that should render plots correctly for any shape
> file.  Please give these suggestions a try, and let us know the results.
> On Wed, Dec 25, 2024 at 7:23 AM Ehsan Taghizadeh via ncl-install <
> ncl-install at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am trying to add a shapefile to my plot, but the location of the
> shapefile is incorrect as it appears to be rotated 90 degrees clockwise.
> Previously, I had an issue with NCL installed via Conda. I attempted to
> install NCL using a precompiled version, but encountered the following
> error: “ncl: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.10: cannot
> open shared object file: No such file or directory.” Since I do not have
> root access, I cannot install libssl.so.10.
> Attached are the incorrect and correct output maps. The desired shapefile
> is shown in tan. The correct version is the output from running NCL on
> another Linux version (Rocky), which I do not have access to. The code I
> used to plot these maps is quite long and may not be helpful for this
> issue, but I can provide a shorter version if necessary.
> As I am unsure if this issue is directly related to the NCL installation,
> I am sending this to both emails. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
> The output of the command "conda list -n ncl_stable" is attached (
> condalist.txt). Some additional information is provided below:
> $ conda --version
>    *conda 24.11.2*
> $ which ncl
>    *~/miniconda3/envs/ncl_stable/bin/ncl*
> $ ncl -V
>    *6.6.2*
> $ env  | grep NCARG
>    *NCARG_ROOT=/home/taghizade/miniconda3/envs/ncl_stable*
> Any help would be appreciated. Happy holidays!
> *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
> *Best regards,*
> *Ehsan Taghizade*
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