[ncl-talk] Issue with ploting shapefile
Ehsan Taghizadeh
ehsantaghizadeh at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 25 07:23:04 MST 2024
Hello everyone,
I am trying to add a shapefile to my plot, but the location of the shapefile is incorrect as it appears to be rotated 90 degrees clockwise. Previously, I had an issue with NCL installed via Conda. I attempted to install NCL using a precompiled version, but encountered the following error: “ncl: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.” Since I do not have root access, I cannot install libssl.so.10.
Attached are the incorrect and correct output maps. The desired shapefile is shown in tan. The correct version is the output from running NCL on another Linux version (Rocky), which I do not have access to. The code I used to plot these maps is quite long and may not be helpful for this issue, but I can provide a shorter version if necessary.
As I am unsure if this issue is directly related to the NCL installation, I am sending this to both emails. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
The output of the command "conda list -n ncl_stable" is attached (condalist.txt). Some additional information is provided below:$ conda --version conda 24.11.2$ which ncl ~/miniconda3/envs/ncl_stable/bin/ncl$ ncl -V 6.6.2
$ env | grep NCARG NCARG_ROOT=/home/taghizade/miniconda3/envs/ncl_stable
Any help would be appreciated. Happy holidays!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best regards,Ehsan Taghizade
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