[ncl-talk] sub drveof: ier,jopt= 10 1 returned from vcmssm/crmssm

Xi Chang xi.chang01 at gmail.com
Tue May 9 18:22:29 MDT 2023

Hi everyone,

I cannot figure this out, I am trying todo EOF analysis by stacking the
data in latitude axis. Everything looks fine to me but I still get this
error (see below). There is no missing value in the data and I am using NCL

This is the error:


Variable: x

Type: float

Total Size: 253281600 bytes

            63320400 values

Number of Dimensions: 3

Dimensions and sizes: [time | 5863] x [lat | 75] x [lon | 144]


Number Of Attributes: 1

  _FillValue : -9.96921e+36

(0) Calculating  EOF..

 sub drveof: ier,jopt=  10  1 returned from vcmssm/crmssm

warning:eofunc_n: 10 eigenvectors failed to converge

Variable: eof

Type: float

Total Size: 86400 bytes

            21600 values

Number of Dimensions: 3

Dimensions and sizes: [evn | 2] x [lat | 75] x [lon | 144]


            evn: [1..2]

Number Of Attributes: 5

  eval : ( -9.96921e+36, -9.96921e+36 )

  pcvar : ( -9.96921e+36, -9.96921e+36 )

  matrix : correlation

  method : no transpose

  _FillValue : -9.96921e+36


(0) min=-9.96921e+36   max=-9.96921e+36
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