[ncl-talk] getting latitude writing on axis wrong

Rick Brownrigg brownrig at ucar.edu
Thu Jun 29 12:13:10 MDT 2023

Hi Debasish,

I'm a little confused by this line:

    res at tfDoNDCOverlay = True

Should that be False?  If that doesn't help, if you can send me the
dataset, I'll try to figure out what is going on.


On Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 12:01 PM Debasish Hazra via ncl-talk <
ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to plot grib2 file with Lambert projection and getting wrong
> latitude markers (0-25 N) on the y-axis. Attached is figure and code and
> also highlighting attributes from the file.
>  file global attributes:
>    dimensions:
>       ygrid_0 = 3268
>       xgrid_0 = 5200
>       float gridrot_0 ( ygrid_0, xgrid_0 )
>          long_name :    vector rotation angle
>          GridType :     Polar Sterographic Projection (North or South)
>          units :        radians
>          formula_u :    Uearth = sin(rot)*Vgrid + cos(rot)*Ugrid
>          formula_v :    Vearth = cos(rot)*Vgrid - sin(rot)*Ugrid
>          note1 :        u and v components of vector quantities are
> resolved relative to grid
>          note2 :        apply formulas to derive u and v components
> relative to earth
>       float gridlat_0 ( ygrid_0, xgrid_0 )
>          corners :      ( -4, -5.706548, 18.53903, 22.48842 )
>          long_name :    latitude
>          grid_type :    Polar Sterographic Projection (North or South)
>          units :        degrees_north
>          Dy :   3.17
>          Dx :   3.17
>          Lov :  245
>          Lo1 :  206.5
>          La1 :  -4
>       float gridlon_0 ( ygrid_0, xgrid_0 )
>          corners :      ( -153.5, -74.4254, -22.46207, 152.2681 )
>          long_name :    longitude
>          grid_type :    Polar Sterographic Projection (North or South)
>          units :        degrees_east
>          Dy :   3.17
>          Dx :   3.17
>          Lov :  245
>          Lo1 :  206.5
>          La1 :  -4
> Any help on this is appreciated.
> Thanks
> Deba
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