[ncl-talk] getting latitude writing on axis wrong

Debasish Hazra debasish.hazra5 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 29 12:00:57 MDT 2023

I am trying to plot grib2 file with Lambert projection and getting wrong
latitude markers (0-25 N) on the y-axis. Attached is figure and code and
also highlighting attributes from the file.

 file global attributes:
      ygrid_0 = 3268
      xgrid_0 = 5200

      float gridrot_0 ( ygrid_0, xgrid_0 )
         long_name :    vector rotation angle
         GridType :     Polar Sterographic Projection (North or South)
         units :        radians
         formula_u :    Uearth = sin(rot)*Vgrid + cos(rot)*Ugrid
         formula_v :    Vearth = cos(rot)*Vgrid - sin(rot)*Ugrid
         note1 :        u and v components of vector quantities are
resolved relative to grid
         note2 :        apply formulas to derive u and v components
relative to earth

      float gridlat_0 ( ygrid_0, xgrid_0 )
         corners :      ( -4, -5.706548, 18.53903, 22.48842 )
         long_name :    latitude
         grid_type :    Polar Sterographic Projection (North or South)
         units :        degrees_north
         Dy :   3.17
         Dx :   3.17
         Lov :  245
         Lo1 :  206.5
         La1 :  -4

      float gridlon_0 ( ygrid_0, xgrid_0 )
         corners :      ( -153.5, -74.4254, -22.46207, 152.2681 )
         long_name :    longitude
         grid_type :    Polar Sterographic Projection (North or South)
         units :        degrees_east
         Dy :   3.17
         Dx :   3.17
         Lov :  245
         Lo1 :  206.5
         La1 :  -4

Any help on this is appreciated.
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