[ncl-talk] Lat/lon labels

Rick Brownrigg brownrig at ucar.edu
Sun Apr 9 08:53:33 MDT 2023

Hi Zilore,

The specific error with ispan is that the function takes integers, not

   lats = ispan(-31,-28,1)

There is an fspan  function if that's what you really want; it behaves a
bit differently:


More to your question, I'm not expert with labelling axes, so I always have
to experiment. If fixing the ispan() error doesn't get you the labels you
want, you might look at the examples on tickmarks for how to custom label


Hope that helps...

On Sun, Apr 9, 2023 at 1:59 AM Zilore Mumba via ncl-talk <
ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:

> My script,figure attached, outputs one longitude and one latitude labels
> only. In the code snippet below, I have turned on gridlines and they draw
> ok.
> From this script
> https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/Scripts/mapgrid_6.ncl I was
> guessing that I could put latitude and longitudes labels using the code
> reproduced below. This gives me the error (lats = ispan(-31.,-28.,1.)
> "fatal:ispan: arguments must be of an integral type, can't continue"
> How does one get customized lat/lon labels?
>        res at mpGridAndLimbOn        = True               ; turn on grid
> lines
>        res at mpGridSpacingF         = 0.5
>      ;---Create lat/lon arrays for location of latitude labels.
>        ;lats = ispan(-31.,-28.,1.)
>        ;nlat = dimsizes(lats)
>        ;lons = new(nlat,integer)
>        ;lons = 0
>        ;---Resources for text strings
>        ;txres               = True
>        ;txres at txFontHeightF = 0.015
>        ;dum = gsn_add_text(wks,plot,""+lats,lons,lats,txres)
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