[ncl-talk] taylor_diagram question

Tao Zhang tao.zhang at colorado.edu
Tue Apr 4 16:34:32 MDT 2023

Hi Adam,

  Thanks for your helpful suggestions.

  Yes. Decreasing the value of gsLineDashSegLenF can show the 0.25 label 
but cause much more other labels.
  Instead, Increasing the value can help to reduce so much labels.
  Attached plot is accepted result now.


On 4/4/23 3:04 PM, Adam Phillips wrote:
> Hi Tao,
> 1 - Dennis is correct. The Y-axis is hard coded for normalized 
> standard deviations. You can pass in whatever values you want to the 
> taylor_diagram function, but the Y-axis will stay the same. You can 
> alter this in the function code, but, you will also have to alter the 
> coding for the drawing of the concentric rings, and that might be 
> difficult.
> 2 - You cannot precisely positionally set the ring labels using the 
> method I detailed. If you want to exactly specify where the labels 
> appear, you would abandon the approach I recommended (with modifying 
> the respl resource list) and instead add 4 new gsn_add_text calls (one 
> for each green ring). As to why the 0.25 label does not appear: I am 
> guessing that your value of gsLineDashSegLenF is too large. If you set 
> that resource to a smaller value I would gather that the 0.25 label 
> will appear, but also additional labels will appear on the other 
> rings. You can alter the setting of this resource for each iteration 
> of the do loop (similar to how you are altering the setting of 
> gsLineLabelString).
> Adam
> On Tue, Apr 4, 2023 at 12:30 PM Tao Zhang <tao.zhang at colorado.edu> wrote:
>     Hi Adam,
>      Thanks for your great recommendations.
>      1) Dennis Shea mentioned that the Taylor diagram listed in NCL
>     website is hard-coded for normalized standard deviation, not for
>     standard deviation
>      as shown in previous link I provided, right?
>      2) How to remove the "0.75" "1" labels close to correlation
>     value? I just want to keep one. Is possible to
>        add "0.25"?  see attached plot.
>      Thanks
>      Tao
>     On 4/3/23 4:01 PM, Adam Phillips wrote:
>>     Hi Tao,
>>     I believe you corresponded with someone offline about this. I
>>     have some experience modifying the taylor_diagram function, but I
>>     have not done what you are looking for so I can only offer
>>     recommendations. You will likely need to make several
>>     attempts getting all the resources set the way you want;
>>     hopefully your test script runs quickly!
>>     To answer your 3 questions:
>>     1 - Yes.
>>     2 - I believe this is possible. Steps required:
>>        - Copy the taylor_diagram.ncl
>>     <https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/Scripts/taylor_diagram.ncl> code,
>>     and saving it as (say) taylor_diagram_2.ncl.
>>        - Alter the function name at the top to taylor_diagram_2 (at
>>     line one of taylor_diagram_2.ncl).
>>        - In your new function, go to the section entitled "Part 3".
>>     You will see a resource list that is initiated 5 lines beneath
>>     "Part 3" named respl. I would try adding the following resource
>>     settings *beneath* the current respl resource settings:
>>          respl at gsLineDashSegLenF = 0.30.   ; Controls spacing between
>>     line labels; this setting will require some trial and error.
>>          respl at gsLineLabelFontColor = respl at gsLineColor
>>          respl at gsLineLabelFontHeightF = 0.0125.   ; this font height
>>     setting might need adjustment
>>       - Then, within the "do n-1,ncon" do loop, you will need to tell
>>     NCL how to label the lines, so try this:
>>           do n=1,ncon
>>                rr  = n*dx
>>                res at gsLineLabelString = rr.   ; add this line
>>     That should do it. As I stated in the comments above, you will
>>     likely need to adjust the setting for gsLineDashSegLenF and
>>     gsLineLabelFontHeightF.
>>     3 - Yes. Search within the function for the resource
>>     "gsLineColor". You can adjust these as needed.
>>     Hope that helps!
>>     Adam
>>     On Sat, Mar 25, 2023 at 3:00 PM Tao Zhang via ncl-talk
>>     <ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:
>>         Hi,
>>           I can reproduce the taylor_4 figure using the sample script in
>>         https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/Images/taylor_4_1_lg.png
>>         https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/Scripts/taylor_4.ncl
>>         But I want  Figure 1 in
>>         https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_diagram#:~:text=Taylor%20diagrams%20are%20mathematical%20diagrams,comparative%20assessment%20of%20different%20models
>>         Which shows the standard deviation (0~4 mm/day), not the
>>         standardized
>>         deviations (normalized) (0-1.5).
>>         1) May I only change the taylor_4.ncl for my purpose, but
>>         keep the
>>         loaded "taylor_diagram.ncl" unchanged?
>>         2) How to add "observed value" in the Taylor diagram as shown
>>         in Figure
>>         1 in above link?
>>         3) How to change the color in 3 lines of standard deviation,
>>         correlation, and RMS?
>>         Thanks
>>         Tao
>>         _______________________________________________
>>         ncl-talk mailing list
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>>     -- 
>>     Adam Phillips
>>     Associate Scientist IV, Climate Analysis Section
>>     Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory
>>     National Center for Atmospheric Research
>>     www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli/
>>     <http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli/>
> -- 
> Adam Phillips
> Associate Scientist IV, Climate Analysis Section
> Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory
> National Center for Atmospheric Research
> www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli/ 
> <http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli/>
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