[ncl-talk] help with plotting shapefile polygons

Vanessa Vincente vincente at ucar.edu
Thu Apr 7 12:07:27 MDT 2022

Yes, definitely!  Thanks so much to you and Rick for your help, much
- Vanessa

On Thu, Apr 7, 2022 at 12:03 PM Dave Allured - NOAA Affiliate <
dave.allured at noaa.gov> wrote:

> Progress!  Proceed with whatever solution works best for you.  I suspect
> the county outlines are a separate issue, possibly related to drawing
> order.  Perhaps someone else can help with that.  Thanks for the update.
> On Thu, Apr 7, 2022 at 10:38 AM Vanessa Vincente <vincente at ucar.edu>
> wrote:
>> Hi Dave,
>> I was able to successfully run the diagnostic test code with the original
>> shapefile_utils.ncl and Rick's deprojected .shp, and got the same PNG image
>> you did.
>> I also ran my code using Rick's deprojected .shp, and was able to produce
>> the same PNG image using either the original or replacement
>> shapefile_utils.ncl.
>> And, I tried your most recent method testing the
>> shapefile_funcs.reversed.temporary.ncl, the replacement shapefile_utils.ncl
>> and the original (not deprojected) .shp, and was able to produce your PNG
>> image.  However, when I put the first two lines into my code, the county
>> outlines do not appear in the shapefile map.
>> Vanessa
>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2022 at 9:40 PM Dave Allured - NOAA Affiliate <
>> dave.allured at noaa.gov> wrote:
>>> I found additional problems in one of the NCL script libraries.  Here is
>>> a possible solution.  Download the attached file
>>> *shapefile_funcs.reversed.temporary.ncl*.  Then try this three-line
>>> test in NCL, where *shapefile_utils* is renamed to make it obvious
>>> which version is being used.  Specify the *original* shapefile, *not* ogr
>>> deprojected.  The order of the load commands is important.  Also please
>>> ensure that all of the sidecar files (.prj, .shx, .dbf, etc.) are
>>> downloaded into your working directory, next to the main shapefile:
>>>     load "shapefile_funcs.reversed.temporary.ncl"
>>>     load "shapefile_utils.reversed.temporary.ncl"
>>>     plot_shapefile ("shapefile_name.shp")
>>> I get this PNG file, which looks right:
>>> [image: Perimeter_20180715_SpringCreek_COHUX001313.png]
>>> Vanessa, try this on your system.  If it works, then your own program
>>> might also be fixed by adding those two load statements at the top.
>>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2022 at 4:37 PM Rick Brownrigg <brownrig at ucar.edu> wrote:
>>>> I think you need to use the deprojected shapefile that I had sent
>>>> previously.
>>>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2022 at 4:35 PM Vanessa Vincente via ncl-talk <
>>>> ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Dave.  I ran the diagnostic with the replacement
>>>>> shapefile_utils.ncl, and checked the PNG it produced. Unfortunately,
>>>>> nothing was plotted in the PNG, see below. Does this mean that NCL is
>>>>> having trouble understanding the shapefile?
>>>>> [image: image.png]
>>>>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2022 at 4:13 PM Dave Allured - NOAA Affiliate <
>>>>> dave.allured at noaa.gov> wrote:
>>>>>> Those are geographic coordinates, approximately correct for the
>>>>>> Spring Fire; and they are swapped.  Therefore, use the *replacement
>>>>>> shapefile_utils.ncl*; and *do not* convert any farther with ogr2ogr.
>>>>>> Use this diagnostic to make a simple check plot for the whole
>>>>>> perimeter.  This is from the shapefiles example page, under "Shapefile
>>>>>> plotting and masking routines".  This will find out whether NCL can fully
>>>>>> understand this shapefile and place it on a map.  This is silent, but it
>>>>>> should immediately write a PNG file in your working directory.  Open the
>>>>>> PNG file with any browser or graphics viewer.
>>>>>>     load "./shapefile_utils.ncl"           (the replacement version)
>>>>>>     plot_shapefile("shapefile_name.shp")
>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2022 at 3:50 PM Vanessa Vincente <vincente at ucar.edu>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dave and Rick,
>>>>>>> Thank you both for your help.  I have conducted the test locally,
>>>>>>> and get the following:
>>>>>>> Variable: x
>>>>>>> Type: double
>>>>>>> Total Size: 110992 bytes
>>>>>>>             13874 values
>>>>>>> Number of Dimensions: 1
>>>>>>> Dimensions and sizes: [num_points | 13874]
>>>>>>> Coordinates:
>>>>>>>             num_points: not a coordinate variable
>>>>>>> Number of Attributes: 0
>>>>>>> (0) Print MinMax for x...
>>>>>>> (0) min=37.39254516610051   max=37.69200009599813
>>>>>>> (0) Print MinMax for y...
>>>>>>> (0) min=-105.2910941200151   max=-105.0002034698655
>>>>>>> I did this test using both the original shapefile_utils.ncl and
>>>>>>> replacement shapefile_untils.ncl, and got the same output. It looks like
>>>>>>> latitudes are x and latitudes are y. Does this mean I can use the original
>>>>>>> shapefile_utils.ncl, but I still need to deproject the Perimeter_...shp
>>>>>>> file using ogr2ogr?  If so, can you please provide a bit more guidance on
>>>>>>> how I can deproject?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Vanessa
>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2022 at 1:02 PM Dave Allured - NOAA Affiliate <
>>>>>>> dave.allured at noaa.gov> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Rick, thank you for discovering the projection problem.  Here is a
>>>>>>>> simple way to determine whether coordinates are swapped.  Remember, the
>>>>>>>> swapping bug is a characteristic of the local NCL installation, not the
>>>>>>>> shapefile.  So Vanessa will need to do this test locally.  Exclude all
>>>>>>>> outside influences, and verify the reprojected shapefile by NCL direct
>>>>>>>> access:
>>>>>>>>     f = addfile (shapefile_name, "r")
>>>>>>>>     printFileVarSummary(f,"x")
>>>>>>>>     printMinMax (f->x, 0)
>>>>>>>>     printMinMax (f->y, 0)
>>>>>>>> If geographic projection, then longitudes are x, and latitudes are
>>>>>>>> y.  This will immediately tell you whether NCL is reading normal or swapped
>>>>>>>> coordinates, also whether the shapefile is even valid or readable.  It will
>>>>>>>> also determine metric vs. geographic coordinates, if you understand what
>>>>>>>> ranges to expect.
>>>>>>>> If the coordinates are normal from this test, then use the original
>>>>>>>> shapefile_utils.ncl.  If the coordinates are swapped, then use the
>>>>>>>> replacement shapefile_utils.ncl.
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2022 at 12:39 PM Rick Brownrigg <brownrig at ucar.edu>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Actually, it turned out to be quite easy to deproject the file
>>>>>>>>> with ogr2ogr:
>>>>>>>>>       ogr2ogr -t_srs  EPSG:4326
>>>>>>>>> Perimeter_20180715_SpringCreek_COHUX001313_latlon.shp
>>>>>>>>> Perimeter_20180715_SpringCreek_COHUX001313.shp
>>>>>>>>> The resultant coords are definitely in lat/lon and look like
>>>>>>>>> values for Colorado.  I *assume* ogr2gr used the information in the *.prj
>>>>>>>>> file, to properly set up the requisite deprojection parameters -- check
>>>>>>>>> that the outline is spatially registered correctly. Also, the swapped X/Y
>>>>>>>>> *may* still be an issue, I can't tell.
>>>>>>>>> Rick
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2022 at 12:17 PM Rick Brownrigg <brownrig at ucar.edu>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Vanessa,
>>>>>>>>>> The issue is that the Perimeter_xxxx.shp file's coordinates are
>>>>>>>>>> in meters in a Mercator Projection, as seen by the associated
>>>>>>>>>> Perimeter_xxxx.prj file (and verified by using NCL to print the x/y
>>>>>>>>>> coordinates). NCL can only deal with shapefiles in geographic (lat/lon)
>>>>>>>>>> coordinates.  It's not clear to me whether the X/Y values are also swapped
>>>>>>>>>> in this case; I can't tell by looking at the values.
>>>>>>>>>> There are a couple of ways forward:  The GDAL package has a
>>>>>>>>>> command, ogr2ogr, that in principle, can perform the needed deprojection.
>>>>>>>>>> Another possible solution is that NCL has an undocumented interface to the
>>>>>>>>>> PROJ cartographic projection library that could do the deproject. Both of
>>>>>>>>>> these would take me some experimentation to get it right. I won't be able
>>>>>>>>>> to give it a try until later this evening.
>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps the best, easiest, and do-it-yourself solution is that if
>>>>>>>>>> you have access to GIS tools such as ArcGIS, that could also create a
>>>>>>>>>> geographic-coords version of your shapefile.
>>>>>>>>>> Rick
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2022 at 11:36 AM Vanessa Vincente via ncl-talk <
>>>>>>>>>> ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for sharing this workaround. I have replaced the
>>>>>>>>>>> shapefile_utils.ncl with the one provided, and ran the code, but it is
>>>>>>>>>>> still not displaying the burn scar perimeter polygon. I am running the ncl
>>>>>>>>>>> code in the directory that houses all the shapefiles and the new
>>>>>>>>>>> shapefile_utils.ncl.
>>>>>>>>>>> I am using version 6.6.2 and the source of the NCL installation
>>>>>>>>>>> was conda 4.11.0.
>>>>>>>>>>> Below is a copy of my code again for reference.
>>>>>>>>>>> load "./shapefile_utils.ncl"
>>>>>>>>>>> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> ; This function creates a cylindrical equidistant map of
>>>>>>>>>>> Colorado.
>>>>>>>>>>> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> function create_colorado_map(wks,res,draw_ncl_outlines)
>>>>>>>>>>> local a, mpres
>>>>>>>>>>> begin
>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres                       = res
>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at gsnMaximize           = True
>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at gsnPaperOrientation   = "portrait"
>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at gsnDraw               = False
>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at gsnFrame              = False
>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at mpFillOn              = False
>>>>>>>>>>> ;---Turn on fancier tickmark labels.
>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always"
>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at tmXBLabelFontHeightF  = 0.008      ; smaller tickmark
>>>>>>>>>>> labels
>>>>>>>>>>> ;---Zoom in on area of interest
>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at mpLimitMode           = "LatLon"
>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at mpMinLatF             =   37
>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at mpMaxLatF             =   41
>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at mpMinLonF             = -109.05
>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at mpMaxLonF             = -102.05
>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at mpFillOn              = False
>>>>>>>>>>>   if(draw_ncl_outlines) then
>>>>>>>>>>>     mpres at mpOutlineOn           = True
>>>>>>>>>>>     mpres at mpOutlineBoundarySets    = "AllBoundaries"
>>>>>>>>>>>     mpres at mpDataBaseVersion        = "MediumRes"
>>>>>>>>>>>     mpres at mpDataSetName            = "Earth..4"      ; U.S.
>>>>>>>>>>> counties
>>>>>>>>>>>   else
>>>>>>>>>>>     mpres at mpOutlineOn              = False
>>>>>>>>>>>   end if
>>>>>>>>>>> ;---Create map.
>>>>>>>>>>>   map = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres)
>>>>>>>>>>>   return(map)
>>>>>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>>>>>> ;--------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> ; Main code
>>>>>>>>>>> ;--------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> begin
>>>>>>>>>>>   wtype          = "png"              ; send graphics to PNG file
>>>>>>>>>>>   wtype at wkWidth  = 2000
>>>>>>>>>>>   wtype at wkHeight = 2000
>>>>>>>>>>>   wks = gsn_open_wks(wtype,"shapefiles")
>>>>>>>>>>>   ncl_version = get_ncl_version()
>>>>>>>>>>> ;---Create two maps of Colorado
>>>>>>>>>>>   res                   = True
>>>>>>>>>>>   res at tiMainFontHeightF = 0.015
>>>>>>>>>>>   res at tiMainString  = "Colorado counties - shapefile"
>>>>>>>>>>>   map_shp = create_colorado_map(wks,res,False)
>>>>>>>>>>>   res at tiMainString = "Colorado counties - NCL (version " +
>>>>>>>>>>> ncl_version + ")"
>>>>>>>>>>>   map_ncl  = create_colorado_map(wks,res,True)
>>>>>>>>>>> ;---Add shapefiles to one of the maps
>>>>>>>>>>>   lnres             = True
>>>>>>>>>>>   lnres at gsLineColor = "red"
>>>>>>>>>>>   plot_line_shp =
>>>>>>>>>>> gsn_add_shapefile_polylines(wks,map_shp,"./usa/gadm40_USA_2.shp",lnres)
>>>>>>>>>>> ;---Add a slightly transparent marker to both maps to show
>>>>>>>>>>> location of county updates
>>>>>>>>>>>   mkres                  = True
>>>>>>>>>>>   mkres at gsMarkerIndex    = 16        ; filled dot
>>>>>>>>>>>   mkres at gsMarkerOpacityF = 0.5       ; make the marker half
>>>>>>>>>>> transparent
>>>>>>>>>>>   mkres at gsMarkerColor    = "red"
>>>>>>>>>>>   mkres at gsMarkerSizeF    = 50.
>>>>>>>>>>>   counties_lat_center =   39.8
>>>>>>>>>>>   counties_lon_center = -104.9
>>>>>>>>>>>   plot_marker_ncl =
>>>>>>>>>>> gsn_add_polymarker(wks,map_ncl,counties_lon_center,counties_lat_center,mkres)
>>>>>>>>>>>   plot_marker_shp =
>>>>>>>>>>> gsn_add_polymarker(wks,map_shp,counties_lon_center,counties_lat_center,mkres)
>>>>>>>>>>> print("Adding polygons to ncl map and shp map...")
>>>>>>>>>>> filename = "Perimeter_20180715_SpringCreek_COHUX001313.shp"
>>>>>>>>>>>  ;---Set some options for the polygons
>>>>>>>>>>>    bscar = True
>>>>>>>>>>>    bscar at gsLineColor = "Blue"
>>>>>>>>>>>    bscar at gsLineThicknessF = 3.0  ; 3x thickness
>>>>>>>>>>> id1 = gsn_add_shapefile_polygons(wks,map_ncl,filename,bscar)
>>>>>>>>>>> id2 = gsn_add_shapefile_polygons(wks,map_shp,filename,bscar)
>>>>>>>>>>> ;---Panel both plots. Markers, lines, and polygons will be drawn.
>>>>>>>>>>>   pres             = True
>>>>>>>>>>>   pres at gsnMaximize = True
>>>>>>>>>>>   gsn_panel(wks,(/map_ncl,map_shp/),(/1,2/),pres)
>>>>>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 5, 2022 at 4:39 PM Dave Allured - NOAA Affiliate <
>>>>>>>>>>> dave.allured at noaa.gov> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> You may have encountered a known bug whereby the X and Y
>>>>>>>>>>>> coordinates from a shapefile are swapped with each other.  We think this
>>>>>>>>>>>> was caused by a change in an underlying library.  Please see this report
>>>>>>>>>>>> for details and a possible easy workaround.  Let us know if that works.
>>>>>>>>>>>>     https://github.com/NCAR/ncl/issues/176
>>>>>>>>>>>> What version of NCL are you using, and what was the source of
>>>>>>>>>>>> your NCL installation?
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 5, 2022 at 4:29 PM Vanessa Vincente via ncl-talk <
>>>>>>>>>>>> ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am having trouble plotting polygon data from a shapefile of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a burn scar perimeter over a map of Colorado with counties.  I am using the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> example shapefiles_15.ncl from the ncl page
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/shapefiles.shtml>. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> am able to successfully plot the state of Colorado and its counties, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not the burn scar perimeter.  Burn scar shapefile can be found
>>>>>>>>>>>>> here
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://ftp.wildfire.gov/public/incident_specific_data/rocky_mtn/2018/SpringCreek/IR/20180715/PerimeterFileProvidedByIncident/>.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Can you please help? Thanks in advance!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Below is a copy of my ncl script:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> load "./shapefile_utils.ncl"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ; This function creates a cylindrical equidistant map of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Colorado.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> function create_colorado_map(wks,res,draw_ncl_outlines)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> local a, mpres
>>>>>>>>>>>>> begin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres                       = res
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at gsnMaximize           = True
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at gsnPaperOrientation   = "portrait"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at gsnDraw               = False
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at gsnFrame              = False
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at mpFillOn              = False
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;---Turn on fancier tickmark labels.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at tmXBLabelFontHeightF  = 0.008      ; smaller tickmark
>>>>>>>>>>>>> labels
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;---Zoom in on area of interest
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at mpLimitMode           = "LatLon"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at mpMinLatF             =   37
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at mpMaxLatF             =   41
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at mpMinLonF             = -109.05
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at mpMaxLonF             = -102.05
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mpres at mpFillOn              = False
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   if(draw_ncl_outlines) then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     mpres at mpOutlineOn           = True
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     mpres at mpOutlineBoundarySets    = "AllBoundaries"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     mpres at mpDataBaseVersion        = "MediumRes"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     mpres at mpDataSetName            = "Earth..4"      ; U.S.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> counties
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   else
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     mpres at mpOutlineOn              = False
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   end if
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;---Create map.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   map = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   return(map)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;--------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ; Main code
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;--------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> begin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   wtype          = "png"              ; send graphics to PNG
>>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   wtype at wkWidth  = 2000
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   wtype at wkHeight = 2000
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   wks = gsn_open_wks(wtype,"shapefiles")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   ncl_version = get_ncl_version()
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;---Create two maps of Colorado
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   res                   = True
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   res at tiMainFontHeightF = 0.015
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   res at tiMainString  = "Colorado counties - shapefile"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   map_shp = create_colorado_map(wks,res,False)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   res at tiMainString = "Colorado counties - NCL (version " +
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ncl_version + ")"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   map_ncl  = create_colorado_map(wks,res,True)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;---Add shapefiles to one of the maps
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   lnres             = True
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   lnres at gsLineColor = "red"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   plot_line_shp =
>>>>>>>>>>>>> gsn_add_shapefile_polylines(wks,map_shp,"./usa/gadm40_USA_2.shp",lnres)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;---Add a slightly transparent marker to both maps to show
>>>>>>>>>>>>> location of county updates
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mkres                  = True
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mkres at gsMarkerIndex    = 16        ; filled dot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mkres at gsMarkerOpacityF = 0.5       ; make the marker half
>>>>>>>>>>>>> transparent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mkres at gsMarkerColor    = "red"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   mkres at gsMarkerSizeF    = 50.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   counties_lat_center =   39.8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   counties_lon_center = -104.9
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   plot_marker_ncl =
>>>>>>>>>>>>> gsn_add_polymarker(wks,map_ncl,counties_lon_center,counties_lat_center,mkres)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   plot_marker_shp =
>>>>>>>>>>>>> gsn_add_polymarker(wks,map_shp,counties_lon_center,counties_lat_center,mkres)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> print("Adding polygons to ncl map and shp map...")
>>>>>>>>>>>>> filename = "Perimeter_20180715_SpringCreek_COHUX001313.shp"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ;---Set some options for the polygons
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    bscar = True
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    bscar at gsLineColor = "Blue"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    bscar at gsLineThicknessF = 3.0  ; 3x thickness
>>>>>>>>>>>>> id1 = gsn_add_shapefile_polygons(wks,map_ncl,filename,bscar)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> id2 = gsn_add_shapefile_polygons(wks,map_shp,filename,bscar)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;---Panel both plots. Markers, lines, and polygons will be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> drawn.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   pres             = True
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   pres at gsnMaximize = True
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   gsn_panel(wks,(/map_ncl,map_shp/),(/1,2/),pres)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vanessa Vincente
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Associate Scientist
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The COMET® Program
>>>>>>>>>>>>> University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ncl-talk mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu
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Vanessa Vincente
Associate Scientist
The COMET® Program
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

*My working hours may differ from your own.  Please do not feel obligated
to reply outside of standard business hours.*
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