[ncl-talk] resources issue

ali mughal mughalali655 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 13 08:41:47 MDT 2021

Dear NCL users

I am trying to using the following plotting sequence but some of the
resources do not change no matter how hard I try. I mention the issues I am
facing adjacent to the lines in the script. Secondly, I am also trying to
obtain triangular edges in the label bar but I am not successful in that as
well. I hope some one can help. Please see the plotting sequence below

lh_avg at description = "ABC"
lh_avg at units = "~S~o~N~C"
type = "png"
wks = gsn_open_wks(type,"LH_d05_diff_3_1_"+hour)

res                          = True
res at gsnMaximize              = True
res at gsnDraw                  = False
res at gsnFrame                 = False
res at cnFillOn                 = True
res at cnLinesOn                = False
res at tmYROn                   = False
res at lbOrientation            = "Vertical"
res at lbLabelFontHeightF       = 0.010
res at lbLabelFontThicknessF    =1.5
res at lbBoxMajorExtentF        = 0.75
res at lbBoxEndCapStyle         = "TriangleBothEnds"              (why is this
not working ? Do I need to add other resources or turn off automatic
contour_lh                   = gsn_csm_contour(wks,lh_avg,res)
getvalues contour_lh
  "cnLevels" : levels
end getvalues
cmap_data=read_colormap_file("wgne15")             (Whatever I set here is
not shown in the final plot. I tried setting this to "BlWhRe" but it didn't
worked nor does "ncl_default" work. I only see a default image
res at cnFillColors         = cmap_data(0:dimsizes(levels)-1,:)
res at lbLabelStrings       = sprintf("%3.1f",levels)

pltres = True
pltres at NoTitles = True
pltres at gsnMaximize = True
pltres at FramePlot = False
pltres at PanelPlot = True
mpres            = True
mpres at mpOutlineBoundarySets    ="NoBoundaries"
plot = wrf_map_overlays(a,wks,(/contour_lh/),pltres,mpres)
shape_files =
plot = add_coastline_sgmyid(shape_files,wks,plot,"black")
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