[ncl-talk] Error using code

Mike Victor mayuresh0987 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 23:59:54 MDT 2020

The below written code has some issue, when I run it, all the values of the
variable yPlot are set to _FillValue. Pls Help. Below is the link to the
netcdf file used in the code.

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"

diri = "/home/mvaze123/OLRDATA"
fi = "/olr.day.mean.nc"
f = addfile(diri+fi,"r")
olr = f->olr
olr := olr(1675:16649,:,:) ;missing data till 1675th index, hence discarded
i = 0
j = 0
val = 0

ihp = 1
sigma = 1.0
nWgt = 49
fca = 1./121.
wgt = filwgts_lanczos(nWgt,ihp,fca,-999.,sigma)
yPlot = new((/14975,73,144/),"float")

do while (i .le. 72)

do while(j .le. 143)
val := wgt_runave(olr(:,i,j),wgt,0)
yPlot(:,i,j) = val
j= j+1
end do

i = i+1
end do
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