[ncl-talk] How to save print information for reg_multlin_stats

Dennis Shea shea at ucar.edu
Sat Oct 24 07:33:35 MDT 2020

NCL variables are data structures (data objects) that mimic netCDF
variables. Using Example 1 of


; Create netCDF file

   diro = "./"
   filo = "mult_reg.nc"
   ptho = diro + filo
-f "+ ptho )    ; remove any previous file

   b!0  = "N"                      ; N=np+1
   b at information = "y-intercept; partial regression coefficients associated
with each independent variable"
   b at long_name   = "Partial Regression Coefficients"
   delete(b at _FillValue)            ; not appropriate

   fo   =* addfile*
   fo->B= b                              ; NCL will write all components of
the netCDF variable

You can examine the file's contents via:

  %> *ncdump* -v B  mult_reg.nc


  %> *ncl_filedump* mult_reg.nc


 %> *ncdump* -v B mult_reg.nc

netcdf mult_reg {
N = 3 ;
float B(N) ;
B:information = "y-intercept; partial regression coefficients associated
with each independent variable" ;
B:long_name = "Partial Regression Coefficients" ;
B:model = "Yest = b(0) + b(1)*X1 + b(2)*X2 + ...+b(M)*XM" ;
B:N = 17 ;
B:NP = 2 ;
B:M = 3 ;
B:bstd = 0.f, 0.5029772f, 0.4922954f ;
B:SST = 13239.72f ;
B:SSE = 423.3723f ;
B:SSR = 12816.36f ;
B:MST = 827.4825f ;
B:MSE = 30.24088f ;
B:MSE_dof = 14 ;
B:MSR = 6408.178f ;
B:RSE = 5.499171f ;
B:RSE_dof = 13 ;
B:F = 211.9045f ;
B:F_dof = 2, 14 ;
B:F_pval = 3.419033e-11f ;
B:r2 = 0.9680232f ;
B:r = 0.9838817f ;
B:r2a = 0.9634551f ;
B:fuv = 0.03197682f ;
B:Yest = 249.9873f, 254.2619f, 257.2977f, 260.4574f, 266.3423f, 271.423f,
274.3349f, 279.6005f, 284.0294f, 285.7331f, 297.3181f, 300.1061f,
310.5743f, 314.0123f, 322.4051f, 334.5465f, 340.3705f ;
B:Yavg = 288.4f ;
B:Ystd = 28.766f ;
B:Xavg = 55.35294f, 30.9f ;
B:Xstd = 11.68028f, 1.172071f ;
B:stderr = 100.8641f, 0.3945341f, 3.931675f ;
B:tval = -1.521964f, 3.139713f, 3.073079f ;
B:pval = 0.1488179f, 0.006746806f, 0.007730724f ;

 B = -153.5115, 1.238724, 12.08235 ;

On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 9:21 PM Xueyan Zhang via ncl-talk <
ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am doing multiple variable linear regression following this page:
> https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/Contributed/reg_multlin_stats.shtml
> .
> How can I save R2 to a file? Also, how can I save information about which
> variable is significant?
> Thanks!
> Xueyan
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