[ncl-talk] averaging of height levels

Gurer, Kemal@ARB kemal.gurer at arb.ca.gov
Tue Oct 20 17:10:13 MDT 2020

Hello Dennis,

I agree with you. I always included the outcome of my code in the past, but this time knowing almost for sure that I am making an obvious error somewhere that I cannot see, I assumed someone who is more experienced than me would catch it right away. I am sorry for not sending a complete question.

Here is my code in attempting to calculate the mid-level heights from full level heights via two method:

; ------- 1st variable and method ------------------------------------------------------

    zz1 = new((/nlats, nlons, nlevs-1/),"float")

    zz1!0 = "latitude"
    zz1!1 = "longitude"
    zz1!2 = "levs"
    zz1&latitude = latitude
    zz1&longitude = longitude
    zz1&levs = levs

    do i=0,nlevs-2
      zz1(:,:,i) = 0.5 * (zfull(:,:,i)+zfull(:,:,i+1))
    end do


    zhalf1 = zz1(levs|:,latitude|:,longitude|:)

; ------- 2nd variable and method ------------------------------------------------------

    zz2 = new((/nlats, nlons, nlevs-1/),"float")

    zz2!0 = "latitude"
    zz2!1 = "longitude"
    zz2!2 = "levs"
    zz2&latitude = latitude
    zz2&longitude = longitude
    zz2&levs = levs

    zz2 = 0.5*( zfull(:,:,0:nlevs-2) + zfull(:,:,1:nlevs-1) )


    zhalf2 = zz2(levs|:,latitude|:,longitude|:)
; -------------------------------------------------------------

Here is the outcome of zfull values at zfull(0,0,:)

zfull =
  0, 20, 44, 72.8, 107.4, 148.8, 198.6, 258.3, 330, 416, 519.2, 643, 791.6,
    969.9001, 1183.9, 1440.7, 1748.8, 2118.6, 2562.3, 3094.8, 3733.8, 4483.8,
    5233.799, 5983.799, 6733.8, 7483.799, 8233.8, 8983.8, 9733.8, 10483.8,
    11233.8, 11983.8, 12733.8, 13483.8, 14233.8, 14983.8, 15733.8, 16483.8,
    17233.8, 17983.8, 18733.8, 19483.8, 20233.8, 20983.8, 21733.8, 22483.8,
    23233.8, 23983.8, 24733.8, 25483.8, 26233.8, 26983.8, 27733.8, 28483.8,
    29233.8, 29983.8, 0, 20, 44, 72.8, 107.4, 148.8, 198.6, 258.3, 330, 416,
    519.2, 643, 791.6, 969.9, 1183.9, 1440.7, 1748.8, 2118.6, 2562.3, 3094.8,
    3733.8, 4483.8, 5233.8, 5983.8, 6733.8, 7483.8, 8233.8, 8983.8, 9733.8,
    10483.8, 11233.8, 11983.8, 12733.8, 13483.8, 14233.8, 14983.8, 15733.8,
    16483.8, 17233.8, 17983.8, 18733.8, 19483.8, 20233.8, 20983.8, 21733.8,
    22483.8, 23233.8, 23983.8, 24733.8, 25483.8, 26233.8, 26983.8,
  27733.8, 28483.8, 29233.8, 29983.8

Here is the outcome of both zhalf1 and zhalf2 at (0,0,:) point:

zhalf1 and 2 =
  9.999999, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9.999999, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
    10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
    10, 10, 10, 9.999999, 10, 10, 10, 9.999999, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
    10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
    10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 423.6477,
    378.6578, 662.8945, 1097.154, 1152.52, 1072.004, 1299.672, 1005.835,
    592.6567, 270.4732, 318.5765, 13.87211, 13.37675, 10, 10, 49.30841,
    48.51982, 38.2547, 10.43509, 20.66064, 89.90919, 139.163, 114.4501,
    201.582, 276.1719,
  10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,

Thank you for your time and expertise. With regards,


From: Dennis Shea <shea at ucar.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2020 3:40 PM
To: Gurer, Kemal at ARB <kemal.gurer at arb.ca.gov>
Cc: ncl-talk at ucar.edu
Subject: Re: [ncl-talk] averaging of height levels

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It is ALWAYS best to include the output from printVarSummary when submitting a question.

To me, what you have done is correct.

A statement like: "since the half height levels are strange"

does not tell people much. What is "strange" about the values?

On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 4:15 PM Gurer, Kemal at ARB via ncl-talk <ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu<mailto:ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu>> wrote:
Hi ncl’ers,

I have a 3d array for the full model height levels, say, zfull(nlat,nlon,nlevs). I want to calculate the midpoints of the height levels of the full model heights and put it into a new  array, say zhalf(nlat,nlon,nlevs-1). The following code:

    do i=0,nlevs-2
       zhalf(:,:,i) = 0.5 * (zfull(:,:,i)+zfull(:,:,i+1))
    end do

or, the following code:

   zhalf = 0.5*( zfull(:,:,0:nlevs-2) + zfull(:,:,1:nlevs-1) )

generates some data, but I don’t know and think what I am doing is right since the half height levels are strange. How can I calculate the mid-points of height levels of a 3d array of height levels?

Thank you for your help.

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