[ncl-talk] fatal:Dimension sizes of left hand side and right hand side of assignment do not match

Borja Sas González saszalez at gmail.com
Mon Sep 30 10:43:47 MDT 2019

In the following script, the"slp" variable is extracted from several WRF
out files and the values are written to the CSV file. The variables are
read file by file due to a memory problem. The problem comes when the
amount of time steps of the out files are different. In this case, all the
files have 1000 time steps, minus one, which has 700. If I run the script
taking into account the 700 time step file, the script prints the following

fatal:Dimension sizes of left hand side and right hand side of assignment
do not match

fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 41 in file

If I omit the 700 time step file, the script works successfully. How can I
fix the script so that it does not print error when the time steps are not
the same?


; Abrir archivo

files = systemfunc("ls /home/ssd/chile/WRF/test/em_real/wrfout_d03_*") +

a = addfiles(files,"r")

; Definir latitud y longitud

lat = -22.056923

lon = -68.573862

; Localización del punto más próximo

opt = True ; Devuelve la coordenada entera

loc = wrf_user_ll_to_xy(a,lon,lat,opt) ; Pasa lon/lat a xy más próximo

lat2 = loc(1) ; Latitud para las variables

lon2 = loc(0) ; Longitud para las variables

; Opciones del encabezado

csv_filename = "slp.csv"

system("rm -f " + csv_filename)

fields = (/"TIME, PRESSURE (hPa)"/)

; Crear encabezado

dq = str_get_dq()

fields = dq + fields + dq

header = [/str_join(fields,",")/]

; Formato de escritura de las variables

format = "%s,%g,%g,%g;%g" ; Para escribir sin espacios

; Crea el archivo con el encabezado

write_table(csv_filename, "w", header, "%s")

; Para leer archivo por archivo

nfiles = dimsizes(files)

do nf = 0,nfiles-1

; Presión en superficie

psfc = wrf_user_getvar(a[nf],"slp",-1)

psfc = decimalPlaces(psfc,2,True)

; Loop temporal

times = wrf_user_getvar(a[nf],"times",-1)

ntimes = dimsizes(times)

do it = 0,ntimes-1

; Crea el archivo con las variables

alist = [/times(it),psfc(it,lat2,lon2)/]

write_table(csv_filename, "a", alist, format)

end do

end do


Borja Sas González
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