[ncl-talk] avoiding loops

Dave Allured - NOAA Affiliate dave.allured at noaa.gov
Sun Sep 22 11:26:39 MDT 2019

Try write_matrix and the F0 format descriptor.  F0 format is part of
fortran 90 and up.  It is described in modern fortran documentation.  It is
like the common Fw.d format descriptor, except leading blanks to the left
of the decimal point are suppressed.

Reshape your array from, e.g. (lat,lon,time), to a 2-D array in the desired
output order, (points,time).  Npoints = Nlats x Nlons.  Then a single call
to write_matrix should write the entire output file:

    opt = True
    opt at fout = "temperature.csv"
    write_matrix (data_out, "384(f0.1,','),f0.1", opt)

You can add arbitrary extra numeric columns to the output array, if it
would be helpful to have lats and lons, or other such metadata, on each
line of output.

On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 2:53 PM Micah Sklut via ncl-talk <ncl-talk at ucar.edu>

> Hi,
> I have a task to take GFS data and concatenate variables across all the
> forecast hours, for each grid point.
> For example, taking a temperature variable for each grid point, for all
> latitude and longitudes, and creating a string that represents the values
> for each forecast hour.
> So, if we have for latitude y, and longitude x, there would be a string
> value like "70.5,71.5,71.5,72.0,...nHours".  The end product will be a line
> for each grid point for the variables i"m looking at that will be written
> to a file to be imported into a database.
> Creating loops through all hours, latitudes, and longitudes will get the
> job done, but is expensive and was looking to see if there were any NCL
> functions that would help here.
> Thank you.
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