[ncl-talk] Ncl installation

Adam Dury adampeterd at hotmail.co.uk
Thu Oct 24 14:06:35 MDT 2019

Dear Guilherme,

Are you using the Ubuntu app which is in the windows store? I have found that is the easiest way to run any Linux operation on a Windows machine.

In terms of using ncl on the latest version of Ubuntu by apt-get then I wouldn’t unless it is a very basic script. I have found errors in the past on Ubuntu with the ncl 6.4 installation when Ubuntu had a too new Cairo library. 

As others have mentioned then it is a lot easier to install and use on conda. 

The memory issue you encounter I usually encounter when using a base map resolution of mediumres. My scripts run with the background map being low res. I think again this is a apt get build issue on Ubuntu. I got round this by install his res maps or just using low res.

I terms of loading in the scripts then in 6.4 plenty of scripts are loaded anyway by ncl by default so I would try use the loaded scripts or put in the exact paths of the scripts instead of exporting ncarg root.

Hope this helps



Dear users,

I installed ncl using the command below:

*sudo apt install ncl-ncarg*

I exported the environment variable

*export NCARG_ROOT=/usr/share/ncarg  *

And when I try to run my script, I receive the message in attach

I commented the line but even I get other errors (fig02.png) .

I'm using the version 6.4.0.

I put the file ".hluresfile" in my home directory.

Any help is very appreciated.

Guilherme Martins.

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