[ncl-talk] Assignment type mismatch, right hand side can't be coerced to type of left hand side
andika.hapsari at bmkg.go.id
Mon Nov 25 08:27:17 MST 2019
Hi everyone.
I'm a newbie on NCL.
I tried to filtering Kelvin wave using script from
.. I didn't change anything except the directory, name of file, and time
units. But I faced the "Assignment type mismatch, right hand side can't be
coerced to type of left hand side" error in line 308. Does anyone know what
the error means and what should I do? Thanks..
Here is the script
; filter_waves.ncl
; Carl Schreck (carl at cicsnc.org)
; February 2011
; Updated for style October 2011
; Description: Filter data for each equatorial wave type
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
;load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
;load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"
;load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/diagnostics_cam.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/time_axis_labels.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/kf_filter.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/cd_string.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/print_clock.ncl"
;load "$CJS_NCL_LIB/print_clock.ncl"
print_clock( "Here we go! " )
; These are some parameters that could be useful to have up top
mis = -999
mis at _FillValue = -999
ymin = -20
ymax = 20
units = "hours since 1800-01-01 00:00:0.0"
tmin = cd_inv_calendar( 1998, 01, 01, 00, 0, 0, units, 0 )
tmax = cd_inv_calendar( 2014, 12, 31, 00, 0, 0, units, 0 )
if( .not.isvar("filtName") ) then
filtName = "k09"
end if
obsPerDay = 1
if( .not.isvar("varName") ) then
varName = "olr"
end if
print( varName )
basePath = "/home/sarihmmm/datareanly/"
; basePath = "~/data/nasa_ymc/fcst_verif/"
; basePath = "~/data/olr/current/"
; pathIn = basePath + ".std.nc"
; pathOut = basePath + ".waves.std.nc"
pathIn = basePath + "olr.day.mean.nc"
pathOut = basePath + "olr.day.kelvin.nc"
; pathOut = basePath + "trmm3b42." + filtName + ".nc"
; pathIn = basePath + varName + ".anom.nc"
; pathOut = basePath + varName + "." + filtName + ".nc"
; pathIn = basePath + "anom/" + varName + ".anom.nc"
; pathOut = basePath + "waves/" + varName + ".anom.waves.nc"
calcHigh = False
calcLow = False
calcMrg = False
calcMjo = False
calcKelvin = True
calcEr = False
calcMtd = False
calcTd = False
calcWig = False
makeNewFile = True
; Open the input files
fin = addfile( pathIn, "r" )
time = fin->time({tmin:tmax})
lat = fin->lat({ymin:ymax})
lon = fin->lon
lat at actual_range = (/ min(lat), max(lat) /)
; Open the output files
; setfileoption("nc","Format","NetCDF4")
; setfileoption("nc","CompressionLevel",1)
if( makeNewFile ) then
system( "rm " + pathOut )
fout = addfile( pathOut, "c" )
fout->time = time
fout->lat = lat
fout->lon = lon
fout = addfile( pathOut, "w" )
end if
print_clock( "Reading the input data... " )
data = fin->$varName$({tmin:tmax},{ymin:ymax},:)
data&time at beginning_date = cd_string( data&time(0), "" )
data&time at ending_date = cd_string( data&time(dimsizes(data&time)-1), ""
if( any( ismissing(data) ) ) then
print_clock( "WARNING: Setting missing data to zero" )
data = where( ismissing(data), 0, data )
end if
fout->unfilt = data
if( calcHigh ) then
print_clock( "Filtering High..." )
high = data
high at long_name = "High frequency"
high at filter = "Highpass time filter"
high at wavenumber = (/ -9999, 9999 /)
high at period = (/ 0.01, 120 /)
high at depth = (/ mis, mis /)
do y = 0, ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 )
; print_clock( y + " " + ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 ) + " " )
high(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:) = (/ kf_filter( \\
data(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:), obsPerDay, \\
high at period(0), high at period(1), \\
high at wavenumber(0), high at wavenumber(1), \\
high at depth(0), high at depth(1), \\
"none" ) /)
end do
print_clock( "Writing high... " )
fout->high = high
end if
if( calcLow ) then
print_clock( "Filtering Low..." )
low = data
low at long_name = "Low frequency"
low at filter = "Lowpass time filter"
if( filtName.eq."wk99" ) then
low at wavenumber = (/ -99, 99 /)
low at period = (/ 120, 9999 /)
low at depth = (/ mis, mis /)
low at wavenumber = (/ -10, 10 /)
low at period = (/ 120, 9999 /)
low at depth = (/ mis, mis /)
end if
do y = 0, ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 )
; print_clock( y + " " + ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 ) + " " )
low(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:) = (/ kf_filter( \\
data(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:), obsPerDay, \\
low at period(0), low at period(1), \\
low at wavenumber(0), low at wavenumber(1), \\
low at depth(0), low at depth(1), \\
"none" ) /)
end do
print_clock( "Writing Low... " )
fout->low = low
; delete(low)
end if
if( calcMrg ) then
print_clock( "Filtering MRG..." )
mrg = data
mrg at long_name = "Mixed Rossby-Gravity Waves in " +
mrg at filter = "Wheeler & Kiladis (1999)"
mrg at wavenumber = (/ -10, -1 /)
mrg at period = (/ 3, 96 /)
mrg at depth = (/ 8, 90 /)
do y = 0, ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 )
; print_clock( y + " " + ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 ) + " " )
mrg(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:) = (/ kf_filter( \\
data(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:), obsPerDay, \\
mrg at period(0), mrg at period(1), \\
mrg at wavenumber(0), mrg at wavenumber(1), \\
mrg at depth(0), mrg at depth(1), \\
"mrg" ) /)
end do
print_clock( "Writing MRG... " )
fout->mrg = mrg
end if
if( calcMjo ) then
print_clock( "Filtering MJO..." )
mjo = data
mjo at long_name = "Madden-Julian Oscillation in " + str_upper(varName)
if( filtName.eq."wk99" ) then
mjo at filter = "Wheeler & Kiladis (1999)"
mjo at wavenumber = (/ 1, 5 /)
mjo at period = (/ 30, 96 /)
mjo at depth = (/ mis, mis /)
mjo at filter = "Kiladis et al. (2005 JAS) for 20-100"
mjo at wavenumber = (/ 0, 9 /)
mjo at period = (/ 20, 100 /)
mjo at depth = (/ mis, mis /)
end if
do y = 0, ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 )
; print_clock( y + " " + ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 ) + " " )
mjo(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:) = (/ kf_filter( \\
data(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:), obsPerDay, \\
mjo at period(0), mjo at period(1), \\
mjo at wavenumber(0), mjo at wavenumber(1), \\
mjo at depth(0), mjo at depth(1), \\
"none" ) /)
end do
print_clock( "Writing MJO... " )
fout->mjo = mjo
sumOfModes = data
sumOfModes = low + mjo
sumOfModes at long_name = "Low+MJO"
fout->low_mjo = sumOfModes
; delete(mjo)
end if
if( calcEr ) then
print_clock( "Filtering ER..." )
er = data
er at long_name = "Equatorial Rossby Waves in " + str_upper(varName)
if( filtName.eq."wk99" ) then
er at filter = "Wheeler & Kiladis (1999)"
er at wavenumber = (/ -10, -1 /)
er at period = (/ 9.7, 48 /)
er at depth = (/ 8, 90 /)
er at filter = "Kiladis et al. (2009 Rev. Geophys.)"
er at wavenumber = (/ -10, -1 /)
er at period = (/ 9.7, 72 /)
if( filtName.eq."k09" ) then
er at depth = (/ mis, 90 /)
else ; wide
er at depth = (/ mis, mis /)
end if
end if
do y = 0, ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 )
; print_clock( y + " " + ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 ) + " " )
er(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:) = (/ kf_filter( \\
data(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:), obsPerDay, \\
er at period(0), er at period(1), \\
er at wavenumber(0), er at wavenumber(1), \\
er at depth(0), er at depth(1), \\
"er" ) /)
end do
print_clock( "Writing ER... " )
fout->er = er
sumOfModes = sumOfModes + er
sumOfModes at long_name = "Low+MJO+ER"
fout->low_mjo_er = sumOfModes
; delete(er)
end if
if( calcKelvin ) then
print_clock( "Filtering KELVIN..." )
kelvin = data
kelvin at long_name = "Kelvin Waves in " + str_upper(varName)
if( filtName.eq."wk99" ) then
kelvin at filter = "Wheeler & Kiladis (1999)"
kelvin at wavenumber = (/ 1, 14 /)
kelvin at period = (/ 2.5, 30 /)
kelvin at depth = (/ 8, 90 /)
else if( filtName.eq."k09" ) then
kelvin at filter = "Straub & Kiladis (2002) to 20 days"
kelvin at wavenumber = (/ 1, 14 /)
kelvin at period = (/ 2.5, 20 /)
kelvin at depth = (/ 8, 90 /)
else if( filtName.eq."wide" ) then
kelvin at filter = "Broader square filter"
kelvin at wavenumber = (/ 1, 14 /)
kelvin at period = (/ 2.5, 20 /)
kelvin at depth = (/ mis, mis /)
end if
end if
end if
do y = 0, ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 )
; print_clock( y + " " + ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 ) + " " )
kelvin(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:) = (/ kf_filter( \\
data(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:), obsPerDay, \\
kelvin at period(0), kelvin at period(1), \\
kelvin at wavenumber(0), kelvin at wavenumber(1), \\
kelvin at depth(0), kelvin at depth(1), \\
"kelvin" ) /)
end do
print_clock( "Writing KELVIN... " )
fout->kelvin = kelvin
; sumOfModes = sumOfModes + kelvin
; sumOfModes at long_name = "Low+MJO+ER+Kelvin"
; fout->low_mjo_er_kelvin = sumOfModes
; delete(kelvin)
end if
if( calcMtd ) then
print_clock( "Filtering MRG/TD..." )
td = data
td at long_name = "MRG/TD in " + str_upper(varName)
td at filter = "Frank and Roundy (2006), extended to wavenumber
td at wavenumber = (/ -20, -0 /)
td at period = (/ 2.5, 10 /)
td at depth = (/ mis, mis /)
do y = 0, ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 )
; print_clock( y + " " + ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 ) + " " )
td(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:) = (/ kf_filter( \\
data(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:), obsPerDay, \\
td at period(0), td at period(1), \\
td at wavenumber(0), td at wavenumber(1), \\
td at depth(0), td at depth(1), \\
"none" ) /)
end do
print_clock( "Writing TD... " )
fout->td = td
end if
if( calcTd ) then
print_clock( "Filtering TD..." )
td = data
td at long_name = "TD-type Disturbances in " + str_upper(varName)
td at filter = "Roundy and Frank (2004), extended to wavenumber
td at wavenumber = (/ -20, -6 /)
td at period = (/ 2.5, 5 /)
td at depth = (/ 90, mis /)
do y = 0, ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 )
; print_clock( y + " " + ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 ) + " " )
td(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:) = (/ kf_filter( \\
data(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:), obsPerDay, \\
td at period(0), td at period(1), \\
td at wavenumber(0), td at wavenumber(1), \\
td at depth(0), td at depth(1), \\
"none" ) /)
end do
print_clock( "Writing TD... " )
fout->td = td
end if
if( calcWig ) then
print_clock( "Filtering WIG..." )
wig = data
wig at long_name = "Westward Inertial-Gravity Waves in " +
wig at filter = "Wheeler & Kiladis (1999), n=1"
wig at wavenumber = (/ -15, -1 /)
wig at period = (/ 1.25, 3 /)
wig at depth = (/ 12, 90 /)
do y = 0, ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 )
; print_clock( y + " " + ( dimsizes(lat) - 1 ) + " " )
wig(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:) = (/ kf_filter( \\
data(time|:,{lat|lat(y)},lon|:), obsPerDay, \\
wig at period(0), wig at period(1), \\
wig at wavenumber(0), wig at wavenumber(1), \\
wig at depth(0), wig at depth(1), \\
"ig1" ) /)
end do
print_clock( "Writing WIG... " )
fout->wig = wig
end if
print_clock( "Closing file..." )
print_clock( "Thank you, come again. " )
end ; filter_waves
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