[ncl-talk] Overlay of XY plot is not occurring

Atul Saini atulsainimail at gmail.com
Wed Nov 13 05:44:03 MST 2019

Hello All,
              *Please have a look at the data and below given script, it is
not resulting into overlay.*

  tmax=a->tmax(:,0,0)          ; read in right variable (y2)
  tmean_time=a->time(0:66)                ; this is our x
 ;---Convert to fractional years for easier plotting.
  time=cd_calendar(tmean_time,4)        ; scale for convenience
;---Start the graphics
 wks = gsn_open_wks("png","xy")              ; send graphics to PNG file
;---Plotting options for time series plot
  res             = True
  res at gsnMaximize = True
  res at gsnDraw     = False      ; Will draw later, after overlaying
  res at gsnFrame    = False      ; all plots
  res at vpWidthF    = 0.8        ; Make plots wider
  res at vpHeightF   = 0.4
;---Resources for legend
  res at pmLegendDisplayMode    = "Always"              ; turn on legend
  res at pmLegendWidthF         = 0.12                  ; Change width and
  res at pmLegendHeightF        = 0.15                  ; height of legend.
  res at pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -0.08                 ; move up slightly
  res at lgLabelFontHeightF     = .011                  ; change font height
  res at lgPerimOn              = False                 ; no box around
  res at lgItemOrder            = (/1,0/)               ; reverse legend
  res at tiMainString           = "Temperature"
  res at tiYAxisString          = "Temp in Deg Celsius"
;---Turn off some tickmarks
  res at tmXTOn                 = False    ; bottom off
  res at tmYROn                 = False    ; right off
  res at xyLineThicknessF       = 2.0      ; default is 1
  res at xyMonoDashPattern      = True     ; force all solid lines
; The time_axis_label function adds additional
; resources to "res" to produce nicely-formatted
; time labels on X axis. This function only works
; if you have a time "units" recognized by the
; cd_calendar function.
;---Set resources for colors and labels
  colors1 = (/"blue","red"/)
  colors2 = (/"darkgreen","darkorange"/)
  colors3 = (/"brown","purple"/)
  labels1 = "Tmean"
  labels2 = "Tmax"
  labels3 = "Tmin"
;---Create the four XY plots
  res at xyLineColors           = colors1
  res at xyExplicitLegendLabels = labels1
  res at pmLegendParallelPosF   = 0.15
 plot1 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,time,tmean,res)
  res at xyLineColors           = colors2
  res at xyExplicitLegendLabels = labels2
  res at pmLegendParallelPosF   = 0.37
 plot2 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,time,tmax,res)
  res at xyLineColors           = colors3
  res at xyExplicitLegendLabels = labels3
  res at pmLegendParallelPosF   = 0.59
 plot3 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,time,tmax,res)
;---Overlay one plot on the other, so they become one plot.
  draw(plot1)            ; This will draw all four plots

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