[ncl-talk] Plot significant difference only (shaded color map)
S Br
sbr.climate at gmail.com
Wed Jul 31 08:57:16 MDT 2019
Hello NCL,
I am plotting the difference between two files as per the script written
below, but I want to display (contour shade) only the value that are
significance at 95% level. I am able to stripe the significance difference
but can't display the difference that are significant (I want to retain the
original color shade of the difference)
diffposglob1 = avgposglobst1-avgstctrl
probtposglob1 = 100.*(1.
-ttest(avgposglobst1,varposglobst1,50,avgstctrl,varctrl,50,True,False)) ;
all areas whose value > 95 are significant
wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","surtemp_sig_diff")
res = True
res at gsnDraw = False ; don't draw
res at gsnFrame = False ; don't advance frame
res at cnFillOn = False ; turn on color
res at cnLinesOn = True ; turns off contour lines.
res at cnLineLabelsOn = False ; turn off line labels
res at cnFillPalette = "temp_diff_18lev" ; set color map
res at cnInfoLabelOn = False ; turn off cn info label
res at lbLabelBarOn = True ; turn off individual cb's
res at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"
res at cnMinLevelValF = -1.5
res at cnMaxLevelValF = 1.5
res at cnLevelSpacingF = 0.3
res at tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.030 ; resize tick labels
res at tmYLLabelFontHeightF = 0.030
res at gsnStringFontHeightF = 0.030
res2 = True ; res2 probability plots
res2 at gsnDraw = False ; Do not draw plot
res2 at gsnFrame = False ; Do not advance frome
res2 at cnInfoLabelOn = False
res2 at cnLinesOn = False ; do not draw contour lines
res2 at cnLineLabelsOn = False ; do not draw contour labels
res2 at cnFillScaleF = 0.3 ; add extra density
; sgres at cnFillDotSizeF = 0.003
res2 at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels" ; set explicit cnlev
res2 at cnLevels = (/95./) ; only have 1 contour level
res2 at gsnRightString = "" ; Turn off subtitles
res2 at gsnLeftString = ""
res at gsnAddCyclic = True ; add cyclic point
opt = True ; set up parameters
for pattern fill
opt at gsnShadeFillType = "pattern" ; specify pattern fill
opt at gsnShadeHigh = 15 ; stipple pattern
; opt at gsnShadeFillScaleF = 5
; opt at gsnShadeDotSizeF = 1 ; make dots larger
plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,diffposglob1(0,:,:),res)
plot2 = gsn_csm_contour(wks,probtposglob1(0,:,:),res2)
plot2 = gsn_contour_shade(plot2,-999,95., opt) ; stipple all areas
>= 95 contour
overlay (plot, plot2)
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