[ncl-talk] Replacement of data with a constant value
Herb, Jason
jherb at albany.edu
Tue Jul 16 10:48:14 MDT 2019
I have been going thru the code trying to attempt to solve why the binned values for the for a given point plot between 0 and 110 based on the plot scale. This file that I am working with only has 4 swaths. Shouldn't the scale only go from 0 to 4 (if binning the total number of points with measured AOD values that have been replaced with 1 for valid data and 0 for invalid data) in that case given that the maximum number of times a given 1km x 1km point is sampled?
From: Dennis Shea <shea at ucar.edu>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 2:05:36 PM
To: Herb, Jason
Cc: ncl-talk at ucar.edu
Subject: Re: [ncl-talk] Replacement of data with a constant value
As noted in a previous ncl-talk question, the most important rule of data processing is "look at your data".
This is user responsibility.
short Optical_Depth_047_grid1km ( Orbits_grid1km, YDim_grid1km, XDim_grid1km )
coordinates : GridLat_grid1km, GridLon_grid1km
hdfeos_name : Optical_Depth_047
projection : Sinusoidal
valid_range : ( -100, 5000 ) ; these pertain to the "short" numerical type
_FillValue : -28672 ; type "short"
unit : none
add_offset : 0
scale_factor : 0.001
long_name : AOD at 0.47 micron
+++ AFTER unpacking via short2flt, the
Variable: x <=== Optical_Depth_047_grid1km
Type: float
long_name : AOD at 0.47 micron
_FillValue : -28672 <== these are now type float
valid_range : ( -0.1, 5 ) <== these are now type float in the unpacked range
Some code to add to your script.
f0 = addfile(diri+fili(0)+".he2", "r") ; .he2 causes NCL to add lat/lon arrays
x = short2flt( f0->$vNam$ ) ; ( Orbits_grid1km, YDim_grid1km, XDim_grid1km )
nmsg = num(ismissing(x))
ngood= num(.not.ismissing(x))
npts = nmsg+ngood
npc = (ngood/tofloat(npts))*100
print("nmsg ="+nmsg)
print("npc (%)="+npc)
; *****************************************************************
nx = num(x.ge<http://x.ge>. -0.1 .and. x.le.5.0) ; values after unpacking
; within allowed range
print("nx="+nx+": this should match ngood="+ngood) ; ie: there are no out of range values
X01 = where(x.ge<http://x.ge>. -0.1 .and. x.le.5.0, 1, 0)
n1n = num(X01.eq.1)
n1s = sum(X01)
print("n1n="+n1n+" n1s="+n1s)
On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 10:27 AM Herb, Jason <jherb at albany.edu<mailto:jherb at albany.edu>> wrote:
I have attempted to make the suggested changes and received even more errors despite creating an additional variable..... errors can be found below below. I have attached full code and the file that I am working with to get the plot.
Copyright (C) 1995-2017 - All Rights Reserved
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
NCAR Command Language Version 6.4.0
The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
See http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/ for more details.
(0) nfil=1
fatal:Number of dimensions on right hand side do not match number of dimension in left hand side
fatal:["Execute.c":8640]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 106 in file MCD19A2.Jason2.ncl
fatal:syntax error: procedure bin_sum expects 7 arguments, got 8
fatal:error at line 128 in file MCD19A2.Jason2.ncl
fatal:Syntax Error in block, block not executed
fatal:error at line 133 in file MCD19A2.Jason2.ncl
=====> Wall Clock Elapsed Time: Main Sum Loop: nlat=3600, mlon=7200: 0 seconds <=====
fatal:Variable (f) is undefined
fatal:["Execute.c":8640]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 151 in file MCD19A2.Jason2.ncl
fatal:Variable (f) is undefined
fatal:["Execute.c":8640]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 157 in file MCD19A2.Jason2.ncl
fatal:syntax error: procedure gsn_panel expects 4 arguments, got 3
fatal:error at line 215 in file MCD19A2.Jason2.ncl
fatal:Syntax Error in block, block not executed
fatal:error at line 217 in file MCD19A2.Jason2.ncl
From: Dennis Shea <shea at ucar.edu<mailto:shea at ucar.edu>>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 11:18:35 AM
To: Herb, Jason
Cc: ncl-talk at ucar.edu<mailto:ncl-talk at ucar.edu>
Subject: Re: [ncl-talk] Replacement of data with a constant value
I am not sure where you got the form you are using for 'where'.
In no example is there an 'x=1' style for any of the arguments.
Also, given your description, I'm not sure that you want to use 'where'
x = short2flt( f->$vNam$ ) ; ( Orbits_grid1km, YDim_grid1km, XDim_grid1km )
nx = num(x.gt.-100 .and. x.lt.5000) ; # of values bwtweem -100 and 5000
x01 = where(x.gt.-100 .and. x.lt.5000, 0, 1) ; create an array of 0 and 1
n1 = num(x.eq.1) ; also: sum(x)
On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 8:24 AM Herb, Jason via ncl-talk <ncl-talk at ucar.edu<mailto:ncl-talk at ucar.edu>> wrote:
I am working with the MCD19A2 data. In order to see the data extent for any given time period, 1 day, 1 month, 1 year, or any selected time period we need to assess.I have a binning code to add the points, however the points that are being added are the original AOD values in the hdf files. In order to do this I am attempting to replace all data points in the hdf file to " 1 " if there is data that is within the range flag of the data file. I have attempted to use the "where" function to make these replacements however I keep getting error bugs coming up. The portion of the script can be found below.
Script error messages
fatal:syntax error: line 120 in file MCD19A2.Jason1.ncl before or near =
x1 = where(x.gt.-100 .and. x.lt.5000, x =
fatal:Syntax Error in block, block not executed
fatal:error at line 136 in file MCD19A2.Jason1.ncl
=====> Wall Clock Elapsed Time: Main Sum Loop: nlat=3600, mlon=7200: 0 seconds <=====
fatal:Variable (f) is undefined
fatal:["Execute.c":8640]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 154 in file MCD19A2.Jason1.ncl
fatal:Variable (f) is undefined
fatal:["Execute.c":8640]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 159 in file MCD19A2.Jason1.ncl
warning:ContourPlotInitialize: no valid values in scalar field; ContourPlot not possible:[errno=1101]
warning:ContourPlotInitialize: no valid values in scalar field; ContourPlot not possible:[errno=1101]
Script coding
tStrt = systemfunc("date") ; time the loop (wall clock)
do nf=0,nfil-1 ; loop over all files
print(nf+" "+fili(nf))
f = addfile(diri+fili(nf)+".he2", "r") ; .he2 causes NCL to add lat/lon arrays
; read data
lat2d = f->GridLat_grid1km
lon2d = f->GridLon_grid1km
x = short2flt( f->$vNam$ ) ; ( Orbits_grid1km, YDim_grid1km, XDim_grid1km )
;*************** attmeping to change any AOD data other then N/A to 1 to count up
x1 = where(x.gt.-100 .and. x.lt.5000, x = 1)
delete( x )
x = x1
Thank you for you time
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