[ncl-talk] Writing shapefile to netcdf

JoshAB1995 at outlook.com JoshAB1995 at outlook.com
Tue Jul 16 05:25:41 MDT 2019

Hi guys,

I’m brand new to NCL as I need to quickly use it to convert a shapefile to a netcdf file. The idea is to create a mask of marine protected areas included in the shapefile. I’ve tried using the following code but as I’ve highlighted in the code I run into some issues...

load "shapefile_utils.ncl"

shpname  = "ospar_polygon_wdpa_simplified.shp"
maskname = "MPA_Mask.nc"


f = addfile("SST1.nc","r")

var                    =  f->time(0)
var at lat2d              =  f->LAT
var at lon2d              =  f->LON

opt             =  True
opt at return_mask =  True

mask_array             =  shapefile_mask_data(var, shpname, opt)
mask_array!0           = "y"
mask_array!1           = "x"
mask_array at coordinates = "LAT LON"

system("rm -f " + maskname)
fout = addfile(maskname,"c")

fout->mask_array =  mask_array
fout->LAT       =  f->LAT
fout->LON      =  f->LON

Unfortunately I get the following error message halfway through:

mask_array             =  shapefile_mask_data(var, shpname, opt)
(0)     shapefile_mask_data: Error: not a valid rectilinear, curvilinear, or uns
tructured grid

Does anyone have any ideas as to why this happens? I’ve attached the relevant data to this email (hoping that it will send through).

Many thanks,


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