[ncl-talk] copy a vector (1D) to one of the dimensions of 2D array

Greg Thompson gthompsn at ucar.edu
Wed Jan 30 15:28:45 MST 2019

I am struggling (feeling dumb) that I cannot figure out how to write a
one-line efficient solution to copy a 1D vector of latitude to all the
columns of a 2D grid since the values (of latitude) are constant across my
grid in the X-direction.

So what I have is this
ny = 8
nx = 10
a = new( (/ny,nx/), float)
a = 0.
a(:, 0) = fspan(40., 42., ny)
do n = 1, nx-1
  a(:, n) = a(:,0)
end do

but that DO-n loop is slow as nx grows large and I thought there was an
elegant solution in NCL to treat this array manipulation.

Any thoughts?

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