[ncl-talk] heat transport

Bowen Zhao bowen.zhao at yale.edu
Tue Jan 29 09:18:47 MST 2019

Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm trying to calculate atmospheric and oceanic heat transport via zonal
and vertical integration of v*h, where h is moist static energy in the
atmosphere but enthalpy in the ocean. However, I couldn't get the classical
poleward transport curve; in particular, what I get for the ocean is very
For the atmosphere transport, I used ncl function "zonal_mpsi" but input
v*h instead of v and take the value at top-of-model level to be the total
energy transport.
For the ocean transport, I modified from MOC calculation in
https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/Scripts/moc_1.ncl, but again used v*h
instead of h.

I realized that using zonal_mpsi gives better result than my simple
vertical integration probably because  zonal_mpsi function takes into
account of surface pressure and mass conservation and so on.
For the ocean, since I'm concerned with values close the equator, I did not
take care of the rotation of the grid (i.e.
v=VVEL*cos(angle)+UVEL*sin(angle)). I guess , the major problem is again
the top/bottom boundary condition?
Any guidance is very appreciated!

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