[ncl-talk] Overlay on two plots

Carl Schreck cjschrec at ncsu.edu
Fri Jan 4 08:02:36 MST 2019

Is there any workaround to be able to overlay one plot onto two others?

a = gsn_csm_contour( wks, aData, res )
b = gsn_csm_contour( wks, bData, res )
c = gsn_csm_contour( wks, cData, res )

overlay( b, a )
overlay( c, a )

That gives the error:
fatal:NhlAddOverlay: tranform is already an annotation or overlay: 30

I tried simply copying a:
a = a2
overlay( b, a )
overlay( c, a2 )

But that gives the same error. I know it's not too difficult to call the
plotting routine twice. But a lot of times I have graphics as return values
from functions, so it'd be nice if there were some kind of copy_graphics
function so I wouldn't have to run those again.

First world problems, but figured I'd ask... Thanks!


<https://ncics.org/> *Carl J. Schreck III, PhD*
*Research Scholar*
North Carolina State University <http://ncsu.edu/>
North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies (NCICS) <https://ncics.org/>
151 Patton Ave, Asheville, NC 28801
e: cjschrec at ncsu.edu
o: +1 828 257 3140 <(828)%20257-3140>
c: +1 828 484 1702 <(828)%20484-1702>
CycloneCenter.org <https://www.cyclonecenter.org/>
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