[ncl-talk] Computation of Density from WRF outputs

Prashanth Bhalachandran prashanth.bhalachandran at gmail.com
Fri Aug 16 13:40:06 MDT 2019

Dear NCL Experts, 
I have a question regarding the computation of density from the WRF outputs. I specifically need to compute it for kinetic energy (rho * u_i^2). 

Since density is not an output from WRF, I currently have: 

Rho = ((pressure*100.)) /((287.0 *(1. + (0.608*qvapor))*temperature)). 

However, I realize that there are Qvapor, qcloud, qrain, qice, qgraupel. Do I need to account for all the Qs? If so, how? I don’t suppose that I could just add them all up? Or is only Qvapor relevant for kinetic energy computations in a Hurricane? 

Also, how do we not have an in-built NCL function for computing NCL already? 


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