[ncl-talk] add text to panel plot

Tabish Ansari tabishumaransari at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 16:47:43 MDT 2019


I'm trying to add some text using gsn_text_ndc over a panel plot but it
goes underneath the plots. Is there a way to write some text over the panel

Here's my script:

*load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"load
"$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"begin  a1 =
<http://subset_d03_2014-10-23_010000.nc>","r")           ; Open a file  a2
= addfile("/mnt/rasher/zero-out_runs/run0/subset_d03_2014-10-24_010000.nc
<http://subset_d03_2014-10-24_010000.nc>","r")           ; Open a file  b =
<http://wrfout_d03_2014-10-24_010000.nc>","r")           ; Open a file  wks
= gsn_open_wks("x11","episode-maps")         ; Create a plot workstation
opts = True                                  ; Set some Basic Plot
options;  opts at MainTitle = "GEOGRID FIELDS"  opts at InitTime =
False                        ; Do not plot time or footers  opts at Footer =
False      pehla = a1->PM2_5_DRY(15:23,0,:,:)           ; Read the variable
to memory  dusra = a2->PM2_5_DRY(0:14,0,:,:)           ; Read the variable
to memory  pehlaSum = dim_sum_n(pehla,0)  dusraSum = dim_sum_n(dusra,0)
pm25 = (pehlaSum+dusraSum)/24.0  pm25 at description=""
printVarSummary(pm25)  res = opts                                   ; Use
basic options for this field  res at cnFillOn = True
; Create a color fill plot  ;res at cnFillPalette       =
"BlGrYeOrReVi200"      ; Set color map;  res at cnFillPalette       =
"BlueRed"      ; Set color map  res at ContourParameters = (/ 0, 340, 20 /) ;
Set the levelsres at pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = -0.05  contour =
wrf_contour(a1,wks,pm25,res)  pltres = True
; Set plot options  pltres at NoHeaderFooter = True    pltres at PanelPlot = True
  mpres = True                                 ; Set map options
mpres at mpOutlineBoundarySets       = "Allboundaries"
mpres at mpUSStateLineDashPattern    = 0  mpres at mpOutlineOn           = True
mpres at mpDataBaseVersion        = "MediumRes"
mpres at mpDataSetName            = "Earth..4"      ; U.S.
countiesmpres at mpGeophysicalLineColor      = "Black"  ; Overwrite basic map
settings  mpres at mpGridLineColor             = "Black"
mpres at mpLimbLineColor             = "Black"
mpres at mpNationalLineColor         = "Black"
mpres at mpPerimLineColor            = "Black"
mpres at mpUSStateLineColor          = "Black"  plot1 =
wrf_map_overlays(b,wks,(/contour/),pltres,mpres) ; Plot field over map
background;;;NOW FOR EPISODE 2;;;  a1 =
<http://subset_d03_2014-10-29_010000.nc>","r")           ; Open a file  a2
= addfile("/mnt/rasher/zero-out_runs/run0/subset_d03_2014-10-30_010000.nc
<http://subset_d03_2014-10-30_010000.nc>","r")           ; Open a file
pehla = a1->PM2_5_DRY(15:23,0,:,:)           ; Read the variable to memory
dusra = a2->PM2_5_DRY(0:14,0,:,:)           ; Read the variable to memory
pehlaSum = dim_sum_n(pehla,0)  dusraSum = dim_sum_n(dusra,0)  pm25 =
(pehlaSum+dusraSum)/24.0  res at ContourParameters = (/ 0, 280, 20 /) ; Set
the levels  contour = wrf_contour(a1,wks,pm25,res)  plot2 =
wrf_map_overlays(b,wks,(/contour/),pltres,mpres) ; Plot field over map
background  ; Panel the WRF plots.    pnlres                            =
True    ;pnlres at txString                   = t at description + "  (" +
t at units + ")"    pnlres at gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent = 13       ; Add white
space b/w plots.   ; pnlres at gsnPanelLabelBar           = True    ; Turn on
common labelbar   ; pnlres at lbLabelAutoStride          = True    ; Spacing
of lbar labels.   ; pnlres at lbBoxMinorExtentF          =
0.13txres               = Truetxres at txFontHeightF =
0.020gsn_text_ndc(wks,"Beijing avg=258



Tabish U Ansari
PhD student, Lancaster Environment Center
Lancaster Univeristy
Bailrigg, Lancaster,
LA1 4YW, United Kingdom
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