[ncl-talk] coordinate problem

Md. Jalal Uddin dmjalal90 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 14:10:24 MDT 2018

Hi all,
I am getting the following errors:
(0) check_for_y_lat_coord: Warning: Data either does not contain
(0) a valid latitude coordinate array or doesn't contain one at all.
(0) A valid latitude coordinate array should have a 'units'
(0) attribute equal to one of the following values:
(0)     'degrees_north' 'degrees-north' 'degree_north' 'degrees north'
'degrees_N' 'Degrees_north' 'degree_N' 'degreeN' 'degreesN' 'deg north'
(0) check_for_lon_coord: Warning: Data either does not contain
(0) a valid longitude coordinate array or doesn't contain one at all.
(0) A valid longitude coordinate array should have a 'units'
(0) attribute equal to one of the following values:
(0)     'degrees_east' 'degrees-east' 'degree_east' 'degrees east'
'degrees_E' 'Degrees_east' 'degree_E' 'degreeE' 'degreesE' 'deg east'

I tried to fix these problems by:
f = addfile("non_cy.nc", "r")
 prc = f->pre(:,{-5:30},{40:100})
 prc at long_name = "precipitation"
 prc at units = "mm"
 prc&longitude at units = "degrees_east"
 prc&latitude at units = "degrees_north"

 mean_prc = dim_avg_n_Wrap(prc,0)
 mean_prc at long_name = "precipitation"
 mean_prc at units = "mm"
 mean_prc&longitude at units = "degrees_east"
 mean_prc&latitude at units = "degrees_north"

However, I am getting those errors again. How can I solve these problems?
Please find the script herewith. I used TRMM daily rainfall data.

Best Regards
*Md. Jalal Uddin*
MSc in Applied Meteorology (English Language)
Nanjing University of Information, Science and Technology, China
B.Sc. in Disaster Management (Hons.)
Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh.
Cell: +8613260859092, +8801792052662
Web: www.dmjalal90.weebly.com
Facebook: jalal.hossen.39
LinkedIn: https://bd.linkedin.com/in/md-jalal-uddin-80a026b0
Twitter: dmjalal90
Skype: dmjalal90
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