[ncl-talk] Time Subscripts

Karin Meier-Fleischer meier-fleischer at dkrz.de
Sat Nov 17 04:03:53 MST 2018

Hi Jalal, 

then you have to loop over all time steps. This will produce as many files as time steps. 


> Am 17.11.2018 um 10:41 schrieb Md. Jalal Uddin <dmjalal90 at gmail.com>:
> I want to plot spatial maps of all selected times.
>> On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 5:39 PM Md. Jalal Uddin <dmjalal90 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> TRMM = f->pcp(0,{-5:30},{40:100})        [latitude | 140] x [longitude | 240]   
>> If I put 0, then I am taking first time-step, not all time. I will get two dimensions now. 
>>> On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 5:34 PM Rashed Mahmood <rashidcomsis at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I think the question is not clear, at least to me. Do you want a plot showing time series of area averaged values? OR are you trying to plot a time series at a specific grid point? OR do you want to plot spatial maps of all selected times?
>>> Since you are specifying a range of latitudes and longitudes along with all time steps, the variable TRMM would of course be a three dimensional array. 
>>> What is the end goal?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Rashed
>>>> On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 10:05 PM Md. Jalal Uddin <dmjalal90 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I am using TRMM precipitation 3 hourly data. I want to plot hourly data. The data is 3 dimensional (time, latitude, longitude). 
>>>> TRMM = f->pcp(:,{-5:30},{40:100})       ;TRMM [time | 422] x [latitude | 140] x [longitude | 240] 
>>>> If I use above subscripts, I am taking all times; however, it is still 3 dimensional that will be a problem for plotting. I want to plot the whole time without using dim_avg_n_Wrap or dim_sum_n_Wrap. How can I solve my problem?
>>>> Variable: TRMM
>>>> Type: float
>>>> Total Size: 56716800 bytes
>>>>             14179200 values
>>>> Number of Dimensions: 3
>>>> Dimensions and sizes:   [time | 422] x [latitude | 140] x [longitude | 240]
>>>> Coordinates:
>>>>             time: [   0..44688]
>>>>             latitude: [-4.875..29.875]
>>>>             longitude: [40.125..99.875]
>>>> Number Of Attributes: 7
>>>>   long_name :   precipitation (mm/hr)
>>>>   _FillValue :  -9999.9
>>>>   missing_value :       -9999.9
>>>>   comments :    Unknown1 variable comment
>>>>   grid_name :   grid-1
>>>>   level_description :   Earth surface
>>>>   time_statistic :      instantaneous
>>>> (0)     precipitation (mm/hr) : min=0   max=86.3077
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Jalal
>>>> -- 
>>>> Md. Jalal Uddin
>>>> MSc in Applied Meteorology (English Language)
>>>> Nanjing University of Information, Science and Technology, China
>>>> B.Sc. in Disaster Management (Hons.) 
>>>> Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh.
>>>> Cell: +8613260859092, +8801792052662
>>>> Web: www.dmjalal90.weebly.com  
>>>> Facebook: jalal.hossen.39  
>>>> LinkedIn: https://bd.linkedin.com/in/md-jalal-uddin-80a026b0   
>>>> Twitter: dmjalal90  
>>>> Skype: dmjalal90
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>> -- 
>> Md. Jalal Uddin
>> MSc in Applied Meteorology (English Language)
>> Nanjing University of Information, Science and Technology, China
>> B.Sc. in Disaster Management (Hons.) 
>> Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh.
>> Cell: +8613260859092, +8801792052662
>> Web: www.dmjalal90.weebly.com  
>> Facebook: jalal.hossen.39  
>> LinkedIn: https://bd.linkedin.com/in/md-jalal-uddin-80a026b0   
>> Twitter: dmjalal90  
>> Skype: dmjalal90
> -- 
> Md. Jalal Uddin
> MSc in Applied Meteorology (English Language)
> Nanjing University of Information, Science and Technology, China
> B.Sc. in Disaster Management (Hons.) 
> Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh.
> Cell: +8613260859092, +8801792052662
> Web: www.dmjalal90.weebly.com  
> Facebook: jalal.hossen.39  
> LinkedIn: https://bd.linkedin.com/in/md-jalal-uddin-80a026b0   
> Twitter: dmjalal90  
> Skype: dmjalal90
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