[ncl-talk] Scaling overlapping markers using xyMarkerSizes does not work

Brandon Fisel bjfisel at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 12:51:23 MST 2018

I have updated the code to use gsn_add_polymarker, which now appropriately
scales the marker sizes. However, there are now annoying lines connecting
(at random) some of the hollow circles. I would like to remove these lines.

Below is the code I added. Remove the last do loop that plots the data, and
insert the following between x = ispan(1,dmax,1) and frame(wks):

  res at xyMarkerColor = "white"
  plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,x,cdata,res)
  mkres = True
  dum_fill = new((/nset,dmax/),graphic)
  do i=0,nset-1
    do j=0,dmax-1
      mkres at gsMarkerIndex = markers(i)
      mkres at gsMarkerSizeF = marker_size(i,j)
      mkres at gsMarkerColor = colors(i,:)
;      plot@$unique_string("dum")$ =
gsn_add_polymarker(wks,plot,x(j),cdata(i,j),mkres) ;works same as below
      dum_fill(i,j) = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,plot,x(j),cdata(i,j),mkres)
    end do
  end do

On Wed, Nov 7, 2018 at 12:24 PM Brandon Fisel <bjfisel at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> The below code is running on NCL version 6.4.
> I am attempting to adjust the marker sizes of hollow circles when they
> overlap on an XY plot. The "marker_size" variable in the script, is the
> algorithm that adjusts the marker sizes. Printing the marker_size output,
> shows the algorithm works correctly, placing into an array the adjusted
> marker sizes where the points will overlap.
> Unfortunately, the xyMarkerSizes is taking the first value in the array,
> as the marker size for that set. The resource information mentions
> xyMarkerSizes takes arrays for marker sizes, and that is not working.
> I have tested putting a static array of marker sizes, and that also does
> not work. Further, I have tested creating my own markers using
> NhlNewMarker, and this also is not working.
> How might I be able to adjust these marker sizes, so that if hollow
> circles overlap they adjust in size, allowing you to see each point?
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
> ;*********************************************
> begin
> ; number of sets and values
>   nset = 3
>   nval = 30
> ; generate random data
>   random_setallseed(36484749, 9494848)
>   lo = 0
>   hi = 10
>   data = tointeger(random_uniform(lo, hi, (/nset, nval/)))
>   med_data = dim_median(data) ;median of data
> ; persistent values > set median
> ; output at last persistent value
>   per_val = new((/nset,nval/),float,-999.)
>   i = 1 ;persistence counter
>   do k=0,nset-1 ;loop over each set
>     i = 1 ;reset persistence counter
>     do n=1,nval-1
>       if (data(k,n-1).gt.med_data(k)) then ;first value
>         if (data(k,n).gt.med_data(k)) then ;every value after first
>           FLAG = True ;closure flag to check (and output persistence)
> index at end of array
>           i = i+1 ;iterate by 1
>           if (n.eq.nval-1) then ;end of array check
>             if (FLAG) then ;if at the end of array
>               per_val(k,n) = i ;output index if persistence exists at end
> of array
>             end if
>           end if
>         else
>           per_val(k,n-1) = i ;output index at end of persistent value
>           i = 1 ;reset index to 1 when persistence ends
>           FLAG = False ;disable closure flag (not at end of array yet)
>         end if
>       end if
>     end do
>   end do
> ; largest bin (largest persistent period)
>   dmax = tointeger(max(per_val)) ;needs to be scalar
> ; bin persistent periods
>   cdata = new((/nset, dmax/),"float",-999.)
>   j_array = ispan(1,dmax,1)
>   do i=0,nset-1
>     do j=0,dmax-1
>       cdata(i,j) = num(per_val(i,:).eq.j_array(j))
>     end do
>   end do
> ; set 0 to FillValue
> ; for determination of unique values (for markes
>   cdata at _FillValue = 0.
> ; set up plot
>   wks = gsn_open_wks("pdf","example")
>   cmap = read_colormap_file("cb_9step") ;color map for markers
>   colors = cmap(38:40,:) ;3 colors centered about the middle of the cmap
>   markers = (/4,4,4/) ;marker shapes (hollow circles)
> ; rescale marker sizes where they overlap
> ; increase scale by 0.002
>   marker_size = new((/nset,nval/),"float")
>   marker_size = 0.007 ;default marker size
>   do i=0,dmax-1
>     do j=1,nset-1
>       marker_size(j,i) = marker_size(j,i) +
> num(cdata(:j-1,i).eq.cdata(j,i))*0.002
>     end do
>   end do
>   res = True
>   res at gsnDraw = False
>   res at gsnFrame = False
>   res at tiMainString = "Example plot"
>   res at xyMarkLineModes = "Markers"
>   res at tiXAxisString = "Bins"
>   res at tiYAxisString = "Frequency"
>   res at trXMinF = 0
>   res at trXMaxF = dmax+1
>   res at trYMinF = 0
>   res at trYMaxF = max(cdata)+1
>   res at tmLabelAutoStride = True
>   res at xyMonoMarker = False
>   res at xyMonoMarkerColor = False
>   res at xyMonoMarkerSize = False
> ; loop over and plot each binned value
>   x = ispan(1,dmax,1)
>   do i=0,nset-1
>     res at xyMarkers = markers(i)
>     res at xyMarkerSizes = marker_size(i,:)
> ;    res at xyMarkerColors = (/colors(i,:)/) ;this does not work
>     res at xyMarkerColor= colors(i,:)
>     if (i.eq.0) then
>       plotA = gsn_csm_xy(wks,x,cdata(i,:),res)
>     else
>       plotB = gsn_csm_xy(wks,x,cdata(i,:),res)
>       overlay(plotA,plotB)
>     end if
>     delete([/res at xyMarkers,res at xyMarkerSizes,res at xyMarkerColor/])
>   end do
>   draw(plotA)
>   frame(wks)
> end
> Cheers,
> Brandon
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