[ncl-talk] Spatial plot for Significance of Linear Trend
Sri Nandini
snandini at marum.de
Wed Mar 7 04:00:09 MST 2018
Using the given code, i attach the 2 pltos i get from doing trend analysis on T2m and getting the significance. IT seems really small and i am not convinced these are the right values.
Could someone please have a look at the script below which i used and confirm i use the right scripting for getting getting significance of and linear trends for plotting.
Much appreciated
Here is the part of my code that works:
yrStrt = 2020
yrLast = 2099
f= addfile("T2M_45.nc", "r") ;
time = f->time
YYYY = cd_calendar(time,-1)/100 ; entire file
iYYYY = ind(YYYY.ge.yrStrt .and. YYYY.le.yrLast)
T2 = f->TREFHT(iYYYY,:,:)
printVarSummary(T2) ; (time, lat,lon)
T2 at _FillValue = -9.96921e+36
T2 at units= "degC"
printVarSummary(T2) ; (time, lat,lon)
;Very important to give the year dimension its cordinates
yyyymm = cd_calendar(T2&time, -1)
yyyy = yyyymm/100
dimx = dimsizes(T2)
ntim = dimx(0) ; all years and months
nlat = dimx(1)
mlon = dimx(2)
year = ispan(yyyy(0), yyyy(ntim-1), 1)
nyrs = dimsizes(year)
T2mm = month_to_annual(T2, 1)
T2mm&year = year
; Calculate the regression coefficients (slopes)
tarr1 = T2mm(lat|:,lon|:,year|:)
; (time, lat,lon)
tttt1 = dtrend_msg(ispan(0,dimsizes(tarr1&year)-1,1),tarr1,True,True)
finobs1 = tarr1(:,:,0)
finobs_rtt1 = finobs1
finobs1 = (/ onedtond(tttt1 at slope, (/dimsizes(tarr1&lat),dimsizes(tarr1&lon)/) ) /) ; reform the slope attribute to 2D (lat x lon) array. This will be used for plotting the trend
tval1 = tarr1(:,:,0)
df1 = tarr1(:,:,0)
rc1 = regcoef(ispan(0,dimsizes(tarr1&year)-1,1),tarr1,tval1,df1) ; tval and df are filled in by regcoef
df1 = equiv_sample_size(tarr1,0.05,0) ; Optional! over rule df returned from regcoef.
df1 = df1-2 ;regcoef/equiv_sample_size return N, need N-2
beta_b1 = tval1
beta_b1 = 0.5
printVarSummary(df1) ;lat,lon
printVarSummary(tval1) ;lat,lon
finobs_rtt1 = (/ (1.-betainc(df1/(df1+tval1^2), df1/2.0, beta_b1))*100. /) ; significance of trends expressed from 0 to 100%
;print(finobs_rtt1) ; (time, lat,lon)
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