[ncl-talk] limite the Y range with gsn_csm_y

Francesco Trotta francesco.trotta4 at unibo.it
Fri Jun 29 08:31:54 MDT 2018

Dear NCL team,

I'm trying to constrain the Y axis range with resource trYminF and trYmaxF. The plot type is gsn_csm_y and gsn_csm_contour.

bsectot = new(npuntifin, float)
bsectot!0 = "points"
bsectot&points = pp
g = 0
do j=0,npsez-1
ptsXsec      := gc_latlon(psez(j,0), psez(j,1), psez(j,2), psez(j,3), NPTS(j), 2)
latXsecUser  := ptsXsec at gclat
lonXsecUser  := ptsXsec at gclon
lonXsecUser  = where(lonXsecUser.gt.0, lonXsecUser-360, lonXsecUser)
bsecUser := linint2_points_Wrap(b&lon,b&lat,b, False,lonXsecUser, latXsecUser, 2)

        if (j.eq.0) then
do p = g, g+NPTS(j)-1
  bsectot(p) = (/bsecUser(p-g)/)
end do
g = g+NPTS(j)
do p = g, g+NPTS(j)-1-1
bsectot(p) = (/bsecUser(p-g+1)/)
end do
g = g+NPTS(j)-1
end if
end do

res at tiMainString = "Bathymetry along section 0"
res at tiYAxisString = b at long_name+" ["+b at units+"]"
res at xyLineThicknessF = 3.0
res at xyLineColor = "Navy"
res at trYReverse = True
res at trYminF = 500
res at trYmaxF = 1000

plot = gsn_csm_y(wks,bsectot,res)

But I have this warning: "trYminF is not a valid resource in /Along_sec.0_Bathymetryexp2nest75_nest01_xy at this time"

How can I limit the Y axis range?

Thank you in advance for your responce,

Francesco Trotta?

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