[ncl-talk] Regridding GPM-KAR/KUR/DPR data on a regular grid
G.Monte at isac.cnr.it
G.Monte at isac.cnr.it
Fri Jun 8 02:07:41 MDT 2018
Dear all,
I've been trying to regrid some radar reflectivity (KAR/KUR/DPR) data
coming from GPM (Global Precipitation Mission) on a regular grid (covering
a part of Mediterranean area), by using 'linint2_points_Wrap' function in
NCL 6.4.0. I got an error message like this:
fatal:linint2_points: If xi is not one-dimensional, then its leftmost
dimensions must be the same as the leftmost dimensions of fi
In the following lines, the complete script code is attached:
diri = "./"
file_name = "GPMCOR_KAR_1411071510_1642_003936_L2S_DA2_04A.h5"
f = addfile(file_name, "r")
latitude = f->/MS/Latitude ;[nscan|7933]x[nrayMS|35]
longitude = f->/MS/Longitude ;[nscan|7933]x[nrayMS|35]
var_name = "/MS/SLV/zFactorCorrected"
z = f->$var_name$ ;[nscan]x[nrayMS]x[nbin|176]
NPTS = 50
lat1 = 30.0
lat2 = 42.0
lon1 = 12.0
lon2 = 23.0
dist = gc_latlon(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2,NPTS,4)
ji = region_ind(latitude,longitude,30,42,12,23) ;--small area
jStrt = ji(0) ; scan start
jLast = ji(1) ; scan last
iStrt = ji(2) ; ray start
iLast = ji(3) ; ray last
lat = latitude(jStrt:jLast,iStrt:iLast)
lon = longitude(jStrt:jLast,iStrt:iLast)
newdata = linint2_points(lon,lat,z,False,dist at gclon,dist at gclat,2)
Once regridded, I need new data in order to plot some vertical cross
sections. Could anyone help me?
Thanks in advance,
Giulio Monte
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