[ncl-talk] Plotting overlay plot with significance values
Sri Nandini
snandini at marum.de
Wed Jan 31 08:47:49 MST 2018
I am trying to plot seasonal (DJF, MAM, JJA, SON) temperature values with thier ttest values (all already calculated and saved in netcdf file).
I attach my plotting script below:
And my error is:
Argument type mismatch on argument (1) of (gsn_csm_contour_map_polar) can not coerce
Would appreciate any advice on why the plot turns out like this, see attached.
; Reading all seasonal differences and ttest, then overlaying on each plot with the caspian basin shapefile to show the 95% or 99% significance levels
latS = 30. ; N. Hemisphere
latN = 90.
sname = "Caspian_Basin.shp"
; ==============================================================
; Open the files:Read all the seasonal differences and ttest values
; ==============================================================
f = addfile ("T2M_BC_DJF_Diff.nc", "r")
T1diff = f->T1diff
f2 = addfile("T2M_BC_MAM_Diff.nc","r")
T2diff = f2->T2diff
f3 = addfile("T2M_BC_JJA_Diff.nc","r")
T3diff = f3->T3diff
f4 = addfile("T2M_BC_SON_Diff.nc","r")
T4diff = f4->T4diff
f5 = addfile("T2M_BC_DJF_ttest.nc","r")
probt1 = f5->probt1
f6 = addfile("T2M_BC_MAM_ttest.nc","r")
probt2 = f6->probt2
f7 = addfile("T2M_BC_JJA_ttest.nc","r")
probt3 = f7->probt3
f8 = addfile("T2M_BC_SON_ttest.nc","r")
probt4 = f8->probt4
;=====================================================================Start the graphics
wks = gsn_open_wks("png","T2M_BC_seasons_diff_ttest_")
res = True
res at gsnDraw = False
res at gsnFrame = False
res at cnFillPalette = "BlWhRe" ; select a color map with white in the
res at gsnPolar = "NH"
res at mpGridAndLimbOn = "False" ; turn off lat/lon lines
res at mpFillOn = False ; turn off map fill
res at mpMinLatF = latS ; zoom in on map
res at mpMaxLatF = latN
res at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" ; manual set levels
res at cnMinLevelValF =-3
res at cnMaxLevelValF = 3
res at cnLevelSpacingF = 0.5 ; contour levels
res at cnFillOn = True
res at cnLinesOn = False
res at cnLineLabelsOn = False
res at cnFillDrawOrder = "Predraw" ; fill and lines before map
res at mpDataBaseVersion = "MediumRes" ; use GMT coastline
res at mpGridAndLimbOn = False ; set to true if you want grid lines to show
res at lbLabelBarOn = False ; turn off individual label bars
;res at cnRasterModeOn = True ; Raster mode shows grid cells
res at gsnRightString = "" ; Turn off subtitles
res at gsnLeftString = ""
;==================================Create arrays to hold series of plots
plots = new(4,graphic)
plots(0) = gsn_csm_contour_map_polar(wks,T1diff,res)
plots(1) = gsn_csm_contour_map_polar(wks,T2diff,res)
plots(2) = gsn_csm_contour_map_polar(wks,T3diff,res)
plots(3) = gsn_csm_contour_map_polar(wks,T4diff,res)
;Second plot resources and overlay onto first
res2 = True ; res2 probability plots
res2 at gsnDraw = False ; Do not draw plot
res2 at gsnFrame = False ; Do not advance frome
res2 at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels" ; set explicit cnlev
res2 at cnLevels = (/99./) ; only have 1 contour level
res2 at cnInfoLabelOn = False
res2 at cnLinesOn = False ; do not draw contour lines
res2 at cnLineLabelsOn = False ; do not draw contour labels
res2 at cnFillScaleF = 0.6 ; add extra density
res2 at gsnRightString = "" ; Turn off subtitles
res2 at gsnLeftString = ""
res at gsnAddCyclic = True ; add cyclic point
opt = True ; set up parameters for pattern fill
opt at gsnShadeFillType = "pattern" ; specify pattern fill
opt at gsnShadeHigh = 17 ; stipple pattern
opt at gsnShadeDotSizeF = 1 ; make dots larger
;==================================Create arrays to hold series of ttests or make a loop
plot2 = new(4,graphic)
plot2(0) = gsn_csm_contour(wks,probt1,res2)
plot2(1) = gsn_csm_contour(wks,probt2,res2)
plot2(2) = gsn_csm_contour(wks,probt3,res2)
plot2(3) = gsn_csm_contour(wks,probt4,res2)
;==========================================================================cycle through seasons
season = (/"DJF","MAM","JJA","SON"/)
do mm=0,nof-1
res at gsnCenterString = season(mm)
plots(mm) = gsn_csm_contour_map_polar(wks,plots(mm),res)
plot2(mm) = gsn_contour_shade(plot2(mm),1,99., opt) ; stipple all areas >= 99% contour
overlay (plots (mm), plot2 (mm))
end do
;Attach the polylines and shape
pres = True
pres at gsLineColor = "black"
pres at gsLineThicknessF = 2.0 ; 2x thickness
shp1 = gsn_add_shapefile_polylines(wks,plots,sname,pres)
; panel resources for the 4 plots
pres1 = True ; modify the panel plot
pres1 at gsnPanelLabelBar = True ; common label bar
pres1 at gsnFrame = False ; don't advance frame yet
pres1 at lbOrientation = "Vertical" ; vertical label bar
pres1 at gsnPanelMainString = "T2m BigCaspian-NoCaspian Seasonal Difference"
pres1 at lbBoxEndCapStyle = "TriangleBothEnds" ; Added in NCL V6.4.0
pres1 at gsnMaximize = True ; large format
draw (plots)
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