[ncl-talk] phase difference

sjd.marjani sjd.marjani at ut.ac.ir
Tue Jan 23 08:59:23 MST 2018


I have 2 important question and they are about curvilinear Oceanic Data
, SST. 

I really need HElp.  


first Question:==> 

these are my data files 











and it is the attribute of one of these files : 

netcdf tos_Omon_GFDL-CM3_historical_r1i1p1_192501-192912 {
time = UNLIMITED ; // (60 currently)
bnds = 2 ;
rlat = 200 ;
rlon = 360 ;
vertices = 4 ;
double average_DT(time) ;
average_DT:long_name = "Length of average period" ;
average_DT:units = "days" ;
double average_T1(time) ;
average_T1:long_name = "Start time for average period" ;
average_T1:units = "days since 1860-01-01 00:00:00" ;
double average_T2(time) ;
average_T2:long_name = "End time for average period" ;
average_T2:units = "days since 1860-01-01 00:00:00" ;
double bnds(bnds) ;
bnds:long_name = "vertex number" ;
bnds:cartesian_axis = "N" ;
float tos(time, rlat, rlon) ;
tos:missing_value = 1.e+20f ;
tos:original_name = "sst + 273.15" ;
tos:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
tos:valid_range = 263.f, 373.f ;
tos:units = "K" ;
tos:long_name = "Sea Surface Temperature" ;
tos:coordinates = "lat lon" ;
tos:_FillValue = 1.e+20f ;
tos:standard_name = "surface_temperature" ;
tos:cell_measures = "area: areacello" ;
tos:comments = "Note: This model output is presented on the model\'s
tripolar grid. The North Pole singularity is avoided by using this
nonregular grid north of 65N. More information about the ocean and sea
ice model\'s grid can be found at http://nomads.gfdl.noaa.gov/." ;
tos:associated_files = "baseURL:
http://cmip-pcmdi.llnl.gov/CMIP5/dataLocation gridspecFile:
gridspec_ocean_fx_GFDL-CM3_historical_r0i0p0.nc areacello:
areacello_fx_GFDL-CM3_historical_r0i0p0.nc" ;
tos:original_units = "K" ;
double time(time) ;
time:long_name = "time" ;
time:units = "days since 1860-01-01 00:00:00" ;
time:cartesian_axis = "T" ;
time:calendar_type = "noleap" ;
time:calendar = "noleap" ;
time:bounds = "time_bnds" ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:axis = "T" ;
double time_bnds(time, bnds) ;
time_bnds:long_name = "time axis boundaries" ;
time_bnds:units = "days since 1860-01-01 00:00:00" ;
double rlon(rlon) ;
rlon:long_name = "longitude in rotated pole grid" ;
rlon:units = "degrees" ;
rlon:axis = "X" ;
rlon:standard_name = "grid_longitude" ;
double rlat(rlat) ;
rlat:long_name = "latitude in rotated pole grid" ;
rlat:units = "degrees" ;
rlat:axis = "Y" ;
rlat:standard_name = "grid_latitude" ;
float lat(rlat, rlon) ;
lat:long_name = "latitude coordinate" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:bounds = "lat_vertices" ;
double lat_vertices(rlat, rlon, vertices) ;
lat_vertices:units = "degrees_north" ;
float lon(rlat, rlon) ;
lon:long_name = "longitude coordinate" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:bounds = "lon_vertices" ;
double lon_vertices(rlat, rlon, vertices) ;
lon_vertices:units = "degrees_east" ;
int vertices(vertices) ; 

// global attributes:
:title = "NOAA GFDL GFDL-CM3, historical (run 1) experiment output for
CMIP5 AR5" ;
:institute_id = "NOAA GFDL" ;
:source = "GFDL-CM3 2010 atmosphere: AM3 (AM3p9,C48L48); sea ice: SIS
(SISp2,Tripolar360x200); land: LM3 (LM3p7_cCM3,C48); ocean: MOM4
(MOM4p1_x1_Z50_cCM3,Tripolar360x200L50)" ;
:contact = "gfdl.climate.model.info at noaa.gov" ;
:project_id = "CMIP5" ;
:table_id = "Table Omon (31 Jan 2011)" ;
:experiment_id = "historical" ;
:realization = 1 ;
:modeling_realm = "ocean" ;
:tracking_id = "b062901f-bdec-46e5-ba81-f6dd63777987" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
:references = "The GFDL Data Portal (http://nomads.gfdl.noaa.gov/)
provides access to NOAA/GFDL\'s publicly available model input and
output data sets. From this web site one can view and download data sets
and documentation, including those related to the GFDL coupled models
experiments run for the IPCC\'s 5th Assessment Report and the US CCSP."
:comment = "GFDL experiment name: CM3Z_D1_1860-2005_AllForc_H1\n",
"GFDL parent experiment name: CM3Z_Control-1860_D1\n",
"CMIP5 experiment ID: historical\n",
"Initial conditions from this experiment (CMIP5 expt. 3.2 Core) were
taken from 01Jan0001 of the 1860 control model experiment
"Forcing agents (7 WMGGs, tropospheric and stratospheric ozone, land
use, volcanoes, solar, sulfate, black carbon,\n",
"organic carbon, dust, and sea salt) vary historically from 1860-2005
following prescribed emission or concentration\n",
"timeseries or internally calculated emissions. This model includes
direct and indirect aerosol effects." ;
:gfdl_experiment_name = "CM3Z_D1_1860-2005_AllForc_H1" ;
:creation_date = "2011-08-22T06:05:17Z" ;
:model_id = "GFDL-CM3" ;
:branch_time = "0.0" ;
:experiment = "historical" ;
:forcing = "GHG,SA,Oz,LU,Sl,Vl,SS,BC,MD,OC (GHG includes CO2, CH4, N2O,
CFC11, CFC12, HCFC22, CFC113)" ;
:frequency = "mon" ;
:initialization_method = 1 ;
:parent_experiment_id = "piControl" ;
:physics_version = 1 ;
:product = "output1" ;
:institution = "NOAA GFDL(201 Forrestal Rd, Princeton, NJ, 08540)" ;
:history = "File was processed by fremetar (GFDL analog of CMOR).
TripleID: [exper_id_1XhP9uft45,realiz_id_4e0zLckGg3,run_id_HhaU8NYVBh]"
:parent_experiment_rip = "r1i1p1" ; 


when I read just one of these files ,my script can plot the Sea Surface


when I read all the 16 files, the ncl plot it with "phase difference". 

In below you can see 

the result of printVarSummary(lat2d) for the single file and multiple


Variable: lat2d
Type: float
Total Size: 288000 bytes
72000 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes: [rlat | 200] x [rlon | 360]
rlat: [-81.5..89.50000080000001]
rlon: [-279.5..79.5]
Number Of Attributes: 4
long_name : latitude coordinate
units : degrees_north
standard_name : latitude
bounds : lat_vertices 


Variable: lat2dH
Type: float
Total Size: 4608000 bytes
1152000 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes: [rlat | 3200] x [rlon | 360]
rlat: [-81.5..89.50000080000001]
rlon: [-279.5..79.5]
Number Of Attributes: 4
long_name : latitude coordinate
units : degrees_north
standard_name : latitude
bounds : lat_vertices 


my script is in below: 



diri = "/home1/omid/Marjani/DATA/CMIP5/GFDL-CM3_curv2/hisGFDL-CM3/" ;
input directory
fili = "tos_Omon_GFDL-CM3_historical_r1i1p1_192501-192912.nc" ; your
file tos(1872*300*360)
pthi = diri+fili
f = addfile( pthi, "r")
SST = f->tos
lat2d = f->lat
lon2d =f->lon 

; filess = systemfunc ("ls
;H = addfiles(filess,"r")
;ListSetType (H, "cat") ; concatenate (=default)
;SSTH= H[:]->tos
; lat2dH = H[:]->lat
; lon2dH=H[:]->lon 


; printVarSummary(SST)


;   First Part=> PLOT SST
wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","marjani")
gsn_define_colormap(wks,"BlAqGrYeOrReVi200") ; choose colormap
res = True
res at cnFillOn = True ; turn on color
res at cnFillMode = "RasterFill" ; turn on raster mode ... optional
res at cnLinesOn = False ; turn off contour lines
res at cnLineLabelsOn = False 

res at cnLineLabelsOn = False
res at cnFillPalette = "BlAqGrYeOrReVi200" ; your choice
res at gsnAddCyclic = True ;-- lon < 360 degrees
res at tiMainString = "SST_I" ; title 

SST at lat2d = lat2d
SST at lon2d = lon2d 

; ******************************************************
res at mpMinLonF = 0
res at mpMaxLonF = 360
res at mpCenterLonF = 180 ; This is necessary to get the correct ma 

plot = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,SSTH(4,:,:),res) ; Can not plot it by
the use of systemfunc and just can do it when i use  1data file 

;copy_VarCoords(SST, SSTmean)
;plot = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,SSTmean,res) 
;anom = s - SSTmean
;copy_VarCoords(SSTmean, anom)
;copy_VarAtts(SSTmean, anom)
;plot = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,anom,res) ;nemitoone
;anomSST = dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap(SST(11:611:12,:,:),0)
;plot = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,anomSST(1,:,:),res) 


;       Second Part 








I have  another question, 

the second question is a bout the Second part of my script. 

the second part is a way that i use to find for example Nino3.4 region .

would you please tell me the right way to read the lat and lon of
curvilinear grid,,and is there any method to find an exact region? 


I wait for your Help . 

THank YOu in ADvance 

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