[ncl-talk] how plot temperature profile for four time step in wrf out file

E Mobarak mobarak_e at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 15 04:25:11 MST 2018

Dear Stavros NTAFISthanks for  your help
but  problem is how plot for four time step and in vertical profile(different height or pressure value)same as attach file

    On Saturday, December 15, 2018, 2:47:26 PM GMT+3:30, sdafis <sdafis at noa.gr> wrote:  
Dear Elham, I am giving you a simple code to read and plot a time series for T2m and 10-m wind speed  for two locations defined by "locs", "lats", "lons". You can add more locations if you like or choose a sub-period by defining "it".

a = addfile("wrf_file.nc","r") 

; Get variables for 10-m wind

uvmet = wrf_user_getvar(a, "uvmet10", -1)

u = uvmet(0,:,:,:) 
v = uvmet(1,:,:,:) 

; Get Temp at 2m in Kelvin
 tc2 = wrf_user_getvar(a,"T2",-1)  
it = 0 ; first time step, ignore it if you want a time-series

locs = (/ "1st Location", "2nd Location" /)  ; define the locations 

lats = (/ 37.5938, 40.6401 /) 
lons = (/ 23.4375, 22.9444/)

nlocs = dimsizes(locs) 
loc = wrf_user_ll_to_ij(a, lons, lats, True)  ; find the indices of the closest WRF grid points to locations

do iloc = 0, nlocs-1

print("Working for " + locs(iloc))

locX = loc(0, iloc) - 1
locY = loc(1, iloc) - 1

wind= sqrt(u(:, locY, locX)*u(:, locY, locX) + v(:, locY, locX)*v(:, locY, locX)) ; replace ":" with "it" if you want one time-step only

temp = tc2(:, locY, locX)   ; if you want only one time step: temp = tc2(it, locY, locX)

print( ""+wind+"   "+temp+"")

end do


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Στις 2018-12-15 11:54, E Mobarak έγραψε:

Hi dear ncl usrI want plot some data for example temperature or wind speed in some time step from wrf out data file in one locationhow i should it?Best RegaradsElham
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