[ncl-talk] Double axis and rotating a plot

Mary Haley haley at ucar.edu
Thu Aug 30 08:30:42 MDT 2018

Hi Ty,

I don't have immediate idea as to why the double axes are showing up.

The wrf_map_overlays procedure calls "overlay" to overlay the contour plots
on the map plot, and it's supposed to take care of removing the tickmarks
from the contour plot before doing the overlay.

There are a couple of issues with the script that might be the source of
the problem.

First, since you are using wrf_contour and wrf_map_overlays, you do not
want to call:

ares  = wrf_map_resources(a[1],ares)

This call adds a bunch of map resources (mpXXXX) to the ares variable,
which then gets passed to wrf_contour.  Since wrf_contour just creates a
contour plot and doesn't know anything about maps, you should be getting a
bunch of warnings about the mpXXX resources not being recognized.  And, I
wouldn't be surprised if that call is causing tickmarks to be forced on for
the contour plot, hence creating the double axes.

Second, "contour_avo" is already an array of plots, so instead of this:

plot = wrf_map_overlays(a[0],wks,(/contour_avo/),mpres,ares)

you simply need:

plot = wrf_map_overlays(a[0],wks,contour_avo,mpres,ares)

I don't think this will actually change anything.

Let ncl-talk know if removing the wrf_map_resources line doesn't work.


On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 11:33 AM, Ty Buckingham <
ty.buckingham at manchester.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I've been plotting WRF data using the "wrf_user_ll_to_ij" function to zoom
> in on an area of interest, however my axis are doubling up for some reason
> (see attached plot) and I'm not sure how to eliminate the grid number axis
> (ideally I'd like to keep the lat/lon labels).
> Secondly, my plot has decided to rotate itself by 90 degrees. I've tried a
> manner of fixes but none have resolved the issue. Any chance I could get
> some help with this too?
> Thanks!
> Ty
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