[ncl-talk] read namelist file in NCL

Zhifeng Yang yangzf01 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 08:54:28 MDT 2017


Is there any methods to read a namelist file directly? Similar to FORTRAN.
Here is an example of namelist file from WRF

 run_days                            = 5,
 run_hours                           = 0,
 run_minutes                         = 0,
 run_seconds                         = 0,
 start_year                          = 2015, 2001, 2001,
 start_month                         = 06,   06,   06,
 start_day                           = 19,   11,   11,
 start_hour                          = 00,   12,   12,
 start_minute                        = 00,   00,   00,
 start_second                        = 00,   00,   00,
 end_year                            = 2015, 2001, 2001,
 end_month                           = 06,   06,   06,
 end_day                             = 24,   12,   12,
 end_hour                            = 00,   12,   12,
 end_minute                          = 00,   00,   00,
 end_second                          = 00,   00,   00,
 interval_seconds                    = 600
 input_from_file                     = .true.,.true.,.true.,
 history_interval                    = 10,   60,   60,
 frames_per_outfile                  = 1,    1,    1,
 restart                             = .false.,
 restart_interval                    = 5000,
 io_form_history                     = 2
 io_form_restart                     = 2
 io_form_input                       = 2
 io_form_boundary                    = 2
 auxinput1_inname                    =
 history_outname                     = "wrfout/wrfout_d<domain>_<date>"
 debug_level                         = 0

I want to read this file with variable names and values from NCL. Thank you

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