[ncl-talk] Removing missing values from a 1D data

Dave Allured - NOAA Affiliate dave.allured at noaa.gov
Wed Nov 15 16:15:40 MST 2017

Jiali Wang,

Here is efficient code that uses vector subscripting to select the desired
values.  This is untested.  Give this a try:

a = addfile("200303101200.CHRTOUT_DOMAIN3"+".nc","r")
st = a->streamflow
lat = a->latitude
lon = a->longitude
ord = a->order ;;do filter based on this number, we only want order>2

ind_valid = ind (ord(:) .gt. 2)

if (.not. ismissing (ind_valid(0))) then
    system("/bin/rm -f simple.nc")
    ncdf = addfile("simple.nc" ,"c")
    ncdf->streamflow = st(ind_valid)
    ncdf->lat        = lat(ind_valid)
    ncdf->lon        = lon(ind_valid)

;;;;;;or output in txt format
    opt = True
    opt at fout = "foo.txt"
    write_matrix(st(ind_valid), "10f7.2", opt)
end if


On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 3:54 PM, Wang, Jiali <jialiwang at anl.gov> wrote:

> Dear NCL group,
> I am having a similar question as this post https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Suppo
> rt/talk_archives/2011/1499.html but unfortunately i didn’t get it..
> I have a 1D data set (station data) as shown below. I would like to filter
> out the lower orders (order smaller than 2). I do this using “where”, so I
> get lots of missing values for those stations with lower orders. But these
> values take lots of space, so I want to get rid of them and output a much
> lighter data only for the stations with non-missing values. Below is what
> my data and my NCL script look like.  Could you please take a look and
> advice? With my script I am still having all the missing value in my output.
> ncdump -c 200303091200.CHRTOUT_DOMAIN3
> netcdf \200303091200 {
> dimensions:
>         station = 3678397 ;
>         time = 1 ;
> variables:
>         float latitude(station) ;
>                 latitude:long_name = "Station latitude" ;
>                 latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;
>         float longitude(station) ;
>                 longitude:long_name = "Station longitude" ;
>                 longitude:units = "degrees_east" ;
>         float streamflow(station) ;
>                 streamflow:units = "meter^3 / sec" ;
>                 streamflow:long_name = "River Flow" ;
>         int order(station) ;
>                 order:long_name = "Strahler Stream Order" ;
> =============
> a = addfile("200303101200.CHRTOUT_DOMAIN3"+".nc","r")
> st = a->streamflow
> lat = a->latitude
> lon = a->longitude
> ord = a->order ;;do filter based on this number, we only want order>2
> st1 = new(dimsizes(st),typeof(st))
> lat1 = new(dimsizes(lat),typeof(lat))
> lon1 = new(dimsizes(lon),typeof(lon))
> st at _FillValue = -9999
> st1  = where(ord .gt. 2, st, st at _FillValue)
> lat1 = where(ord .gt. 2, lat, st at _FillValue)
> lon1 = where(ord .gt. 2, lon, st at _FillValue)
> if (.not.all(ismissing(st1))) then   ;;I think this “if” statement has
> some problem, but I am not sure what’s the right one should be..
>     system("/bin/rm -f simple.nc")
>     ncdf = addfile("simple.nc" ,"c")
>     ncdf->streamflow = st1
>     ncdf->lat        = lat1
>     ncdf->lon        = lon1
> ;;;;;;or output in txt format
>       opt = True
>       opt at fout = "foo.txt"
>       write_matrix(st1, "10f7.2", opt)
> end if
> ==============
> Thanks!
> Jiali Wang, Ph. D
> Environmental Science Division
> Argonne National Laboratory
> Tel: 630-252-2848
> http://www.evs.anl.gov/about-evs/staff/detail/index.cfm?/Wang/Jiali
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