[ncl-talk] plotting problem with JRA55

MIRA BERDAHL mlosic at scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Mon Mar 6 20:18:15 MST 2017

I'm trying to plot moisture transport from JRA55 output.  I can generate
figures, where the latitude looks correct, but my longitude is not
correctly labelled.  Also, there is no map generated, just the vector
Can anyone see what the problem is with my code?  I also get the following
warning:VectorFieldSetValues: irregular coordinate array vfXArray
non-monotonic: defaulting vfXArray
I've copied my code and the variable information below. I've attached the
figure I can generate.
Thank you in advance,


load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
; read in netCDF files
a = addfile("Uwv.mon.mean.nc","r") ; u moisture transport
b = addfile("Vwv.mon.mean.nc","r") ; v moisture transport

; read in zonal [u] and meridional [v] moisture transport (water vapor)

u_wv = a->UWV_GDS0_EATM_S123(1:648,:,:)
v_wv = b->VWV_GDS0_EATM_S123(1:648,:,:) ;

lat = a->g0_lat_1
lon = a->g0_lon_2



; Calculate the seasonal averages.
uwvDJF = month_to_season(u_wv, "DJF")
vwvDJF = month_to_season(v_wv, "DJF")


; from the matlab script i wrote: findExtremeYrs, i pulled out the extreme
years (> or < 1std) that i want to average and plot here.

;ans = 7 (longitude of IL)
;We find the years where the Icelandic low is in an “extreme east” (high
Long) position to be: 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1983, 1984, 1994, 1995, 1999
and 2005.
;The years with “extreme west” (low long) position of the  Icelandic Low
are: 1963, 1964, 1980, 1985, 1987,  1991, 1992, 1996, 2003 and 2006.

; this data starts at 1958 (this is index 0), so 1963=5, 1973=15 etc.

uDJF_lon_hi = uwvDJF((/8,10,11,16,25,26,36,37,41,47/),:,:)
uDJF_lon_lo = uwvDJF((/5,6,22,27,29,33,34,38,45,48/),:,:)

vDJF_lon_hi = vwvDJF((/8,10,11,16,25,26,36,37,41,47/),:,:)
vDJF_lon_lo = vwvDJF((/5,6,22,27,29,33,34,38,45,48/),:,:)

uAvgTime_hi = dim_avg_n_Wrap(uDJF_lon_hi,0)
uAvgTime_lo = dim_avg_n_Wrap(uDJF_lon_lo,0)


vAvgTime_hi = dim_avg_n_Wrap(vDJF_lon_hi,0)
vAvgTime_lo = dim_avg_n_Wrap(vDJF_lon_lo,0)


; sneaky way to copy metadata over first.
diff_u = uAvgTime_hi;
diff_v = vAvgTime_hi;

diff_u = uAvgTime_lo - uAvgTime_hi
diff_v = vAvgTime_lo - vAvgTime_hi


; create plot
wks = gsn_open_wks("ps","Panel_lon_WV") ; open a ps file

plot = new(3,graphic) ; create a plot array

;---- set common resources for all plots
res = True
res at gsnDraw = False ; dont draw
res at gsnFrame = False ; dont advance frame
res at cnInfoLabelOn = False ; trn off cn info label
res at gsnAddCyclic = False ; has to do with wrapping the lonitude at 0/360
res at cnFillPalette = "matlab_jet"

; ----wind  vector plot
vcres = res
vcres at vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF = -1.0 ; move ref vector up
vcres at vcRefMagnitudeF = 10.0 ; define vector ref mag
vcres at vcRefLengthF = 0.045 ; define length of vec ref
vcres at vcGlyphStyle = "CurlyVector" ; turn on curly vectors
vcres at vcMinDistanceF = 0.017
vcres at mpFillOn = False ; turn off gray fill
vcres at mpOutlineBoundarySets = "National" ; turn on country boundaries
;vcres at mpFillBoundarySets = AllBoundaries
vcres at mpGeophysicalLineColor = "Navy" ; color of cont. outlines
vcres at mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 1.5 ; thickness of outlines
vcres at gsnRightString = "" ; turn off thue units string

plot(0) = gsn_csm_vector(wks,uAvgTime_hi,vAvgTime_hi,vcres)
plot(1) = gsn_csm_vector(wks,uAvgTime_lo,vAvgTime_lo,vcres)
plot(2) = gsn_csm_vector(wks, diff_u, diff_v,vcres)

; create panel
resP = False ; modify the panel plot
resP at txString = "lon - water vapor transport"
gsn_panel(wks,(/plot/),(/3,1/),resP) ; now draw as one plot;


Variable: lat
Type: float
Total Size: 212 bytes
            53 values
Number of Dimensions: 1
Dimensions and sizes:   [g0_lat_1 | 53]
            g0_lat_1: [90..25]
Number Of Attributes: 9
  La1 : 90
  Lo1 :  0
  La2 : -90
  Lo2 : -1.25
  Di :  1.25
  Dj :  1.25
  units :       degrees_north
  GridType :    Cylindrical Equidistant Projection Grid
  long_name :   latitude

Variable: lon
Type: float
Total Size: 452 bytes
            113 values
Number of Dimensions: 1
Dimensions and sizes:   [g0_lon_2 | 113]
            g0_lon_2: [250..30]
Number Of Attributes: 9
  La1 : 90
  Lo1 :  0
  La2 : -90
  Lo2 : -1.25
  Di :  1.25
  Dj :  1.25
  units :       degrees_east
  GridType :    Cylindrical Equidistant Projection Grid
  long_name :   longitude

Variable: u_wv
Type: float
Total Size: 15523488 bytes
            3880872 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes:   [initial_time0_hours | 648] x [g0_lat_1 | 53] x
[g0_lon_2 | 113]
            initial_time0_hours: [1385736..1858344]
            g0_lat_1: [90..25]
            g0_lon_2: [250..30]
Number Of Attributes: 15
  N :   <ARRAY of 12 elements>
  statistical_process_duration :        instantaneous (beginning at
reference time at intervals of 6 hours)
  statistical_process_descriptor :      average of N uninitialized analyses
  forecast_time_units : hours
  forecast_time :       0
  level :       0
  parameter_number :    157
  parameter_table_version :     200
  gds_grid_type :       0
  level_indicator :     200
  _FillValue :  1e+20
  units :       kg/m/s
  long_name :   Zonal water vapour flux
  center :      Japanese Meteorological Agency - Tokyo (RSMC)
  sub_center :  241

Variable: v_wv
Type: float
Total Size: 15523488 bytes
            3880872 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes:   [initial_time0_hours | 648] x [g0_lat_1 | 53] x
[g0_lon_2 | 113]
            initial_time0_hours: [1385736..1858344]
            g0_lat_1: [90..25]
            g0_lon_2: [250..30]
Number Of Attributes: 15
  N :   <ARRAY of 12 elements>
  statistical_process_duration :        instantaneous (beginning at
reference time at intervals of 6 hours)
  statistical_process_descriptor :      average of N uninitialized analyses
  forecast_time_units : hours
  forecast_time :       0
  level :       0
  parameter_number :    152
  parameter_table_version :     200
  gds_grid_type :       0
  level_indicator :     200
  _FillValue :  1e+20
  units :       Kg/m/s
  long_name :   Meridional water vapour flux
  center :      Japanese Meteorological Agency - Tokyo (RSMC)
  sub_center :  241

Variable: uwvDJF
Type: float
Total Size: 1293624 bytes
            323406 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes:   [initial_time0_hours | 54] x [g0_lat_1 | 53] x
[g0_lon_2 | 113]
            initial_time0_hours: [1385736..1850328]
            g0_lat_1: [90..25]
            g0_lon_2: [250..30]
Number Of Attributes: 16
  N :   <ARRAY of 12 elements>
  statistical_process_duration :        instantaneous (beginning at
reference time at intervals of 6 hours)
  statistical_process_descriptor :      average of N uninitialized analyses
  forecast_time_units : hours
  forecast_time :       0
  level :       0
  parameter_number :    157
  parameter_table_version :     200
  gds_grid_type :       0
  level_indicator :     200
  _FillValue :  1e+20
  units :       kg/m/s
  long_name :   DJF: Zonal water vapour flux
  center :      Japanese Meteorological Agency - Tokyo (RSMC)
  sub_center :  241
  NMO : 0

Variable: vwvDJF
Type: float
Total Size: 1293624 bytes
            323406 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes:   [initial_time0_hours | 54] x [g0_lat_1 | 53] x
[g0_lon_2 | 113]
            initial_time0_hours: [1385736..1850328]
            g0_lat_1: [90..25]
            g0_lon_2: [250..30]
Number Of Attributes: 16
  N :   <ARRAY of 12 elements>
  statistical_process_duration :        instantaneous (beginning at
reference time at intervals of 6 hours)
  statistical_process_descriptor :      average of N uninitialized analyses
  forecast_time_units : hours
  forecast_time :       0
  level :       0
  parameter_number :    152
  parameter_table_version :     200
  gds_grid_type :       0
  level_indicator :     200
  _FillValue :  1e+20
  units :       Kg/m/s
  long_name :   DJF: Meridional water vapour flux
  center :      Japanese Meteorological Agency - Tokyo (RSMC)
  sub_center :  241
  NMO : 0

Variable: uAvgTime_hi
Type: float
Total Size: 23956 bytes
            5989 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes:   [g0_lat_1 | 53] x [g0_lon_2 | 113]
            g0_lat_1: [90..25]
            g0_lon_2: [250..30]
Number Of Attributes: 17
  NMO : 0
  sub_center :  241
  center :      Japanese Meteorological Agency - Tokyo (RSMC)
  long_name :   DJF: Zonal water vapour flux
  units :       kg/m/s
  _FillValue :  1e+20
  level_indicator :     200
  gds_grid_type :       0
  parameter_table_version :     200
  parameter_number :    157
  level :       0
  forecast_time :       0
  forecast_time_units : hours
  statistical_process_descriptor :      average of N uninitialized analyses
  statistical_process_duration :        instantaneous (beginning at
reference time at intervals of 6 hours)
  N :   <ARRAY of 12 elements>
  average_op_ncl :      dim_avg_n over dimension(s): initial_time0_hours

Variable: uAvgTime_lo
Type: float
Total Size: 23956 bytes
            5989 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes:   [g0_lat_1 | 53] x [g0_lon_2 | 113]
            g0_lat_1: [90..25]
            g0_lon_2: [250..30]
Number Of Attributes: 17
  NMO : 0
  sub_center :  241
  center :      Japanese Meteorological Agency - Tokyo (RSMC)
  long_name :   DJF: Zonal water vapour flux
  units :       kg/m/s
  _FillValue :  1e+20
  level_indicator :     200
  gds_grid_type :       0
  parameter_table_version :     200
  parameter_number :    157
  level :       0
  forecast_time :       0
  forecast_time_units : hours
  statistical_process_descriptor :      average of N uninitialized analyses
  statistical_process_duration :        instantaneous (beginning at
reference time at intervals of 6 hours)
  N :   <ARRAY of 12 elements>
  average_op_ncl :      dim_avg_n over dimension(s): initial_time0_hours

Variable: vAvgTime_hi
Type: float
Total Size: 23956 bytes
            5989 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes:   [g0_lat_1 | 53] x [g0_lon_2 | 113]
            g0_lat_1: [90..25]
            g0_lon_2: [250..30]
Number Of Attributes: 17
  NMO : 0
  sub_center :  241
  center :      Japanese Meteorological Agency - Tokyo (RSMC)
  long_name :   DJF: Meridional water vapour flux
  units :       Kg/m/s
  _FillValue :  1e+20
  level_indicator :     200
  gds_grid_type :       0
  parameter_table_version :     200
  parameter_number :    152
  level :       0
  forecast_time :       0
  forecast_time_units : hours
  statistical_process_descriptor :      average of N uninitialized analyses
  statistical_process_duration :        instantaneous (beginning at
reference time at intervals of 6 hours)
  N :   <ARRAY of 12 elements>
  average_op_ncl :      dim_avg_n over dimension(s): initial_time0_hours

Variable: vAvgTime_lo
Type: float
Total Size: 23956 bytes
            5989 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes:   [g0_lat_1 | 53] x [g0_lon_2 | 113]
            g0_lat_1: [90..25]
            g0_lon_2: [250..30]
Number Of Attributes: 17
  NMO : 0
  sub_center :  241
  center :      Japanese Meteorological Agency - Tokyo (RSMC)
  long_name :   DJF: Meridional water vapour flux
  units :       Kg/m/s
  _FillValue :  1e+20
  level_indicator :     200
  gds_grid_type :       0
  parameter_table_version :     200
  parameter_number :    152
  level :       0
  forecast_time :       0
  forecast_time_units : hours
  statistical_process_descriptor :      average of N uninitialized analyses
  statistical_process_duration :        instantaneous (beginning at
reference time at intervals of 6 hours)
  N :   <ARRAY of 12 elements>
  average_op_ncl :      dim_avg_n over dimension(s): initial_time0_hours

Variable: diff_u
Type: float
Total Size: 23956 bytes
            5989 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes:   [g0_lat_1 | 53] x [g0_lon_2 | 113]
            g0_lat_1: [90..25]
            g0_lon_2: [250..30]
Number Of Attributes: 17
  average_op_ncl :      dim_avg_n over dimension(s): initial_time0_hours
  N :   <ARRAY of 12 elements>
  statistical_process_duration :        instantaneous (beginning at
reference time at intervals of 6 hours)
  statistical_process_descriptor :      average of N uninitialized analyses
  forecast_time_units : hours
  forecast_time :       0
  level :       0
  parameter_number :    157
  parameter_table_version :     200
  gds_grid_type :       0
  level_indicator :     200
  _FillValue :  1e+20
  units :       kg/m/s
  long_name :   DJF: Zonal water vapour flux
  center :      Japanese Meteorological Agency - Tokyo (RSMC)
  sub_center :  241
  NMO : 0

Variable: diff_v
Type: float
Total Size: 23956 bytes
            5989 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes:   [g0_lat_1 | 53] x [g0_lon_2 | 113]
            g0_lat_1: [90..25]
            g0_lon_2: [250..30]
Number Of Attributes: 17
  average_op_ncl :      dim_avg_n over dimension(s): initial_time0_hours
  N :   <ARRAY of 12 elements>
  statistical_process_duration :        instantaneous (beginning at
reference time at intervals of 6 hours)
  statistical_process_descriptor :      average of N uninitialized analyses
  forecast_time_units : hours
  forecast_time :       0
  level :       0
  parameter_number :    152
  parameter_table_version :     200
  gds_grid_type :       0
  level_indicator :     200
  _FillValue :  1e+20
  units :       Kg/m/s
  long_name :   DJF: Meridional water vapour flux
  center :      Japanese Meteorological Agency - Tokyo (RSMC)
  sub_center :  241
  NMO : 0
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