[ncl-talk] Reading GPM.DPR.V7 swath data and make Longitude_Vs_Height plot
Dipak Sahu
dipakmath at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 15:17:14 MDT 2017
Dear NCL users
Here I was just tried to plot the Longitude_Vs_Height figure for
precipitation rate from the GPM DPR radar data sets
"2A.GPM.DPR.V7-20170308.20140706-S080134-E093406.002002.V05A.HDF5". This is
a HDF5 data format, and here the variables formats are like below:
Latitude[ 7934 <nscan> x 24 <nrayHS> ]
Longitude[ 7934 <nscan> x 24 <nrayHS> ]
precipRate[ 7934 <nscan> x 24 <nrayHS> x 88 <nbinHS> ]
I just success to plot the nscan_Vs_nbinHS for "precipRate". But, I am
wondering how to plot a Longitude_Vs_Height plot at any point within the
satellite swath? Your help is appreciated.
Here is my script Attached below:
; open file:specify desired variable
dir = "../"
f = addfile(dir+file_name, "r")
; Access variable in group "/Grid" ; Note group access is via => syntax
var_name = "precipRate"
grp = f=>/HS/SLV
p = grp->$var_name$
data = p
grp = f=>/HS
lat = grp->Latitude
lon = grp->Longitude
print("read lat/Lon")
data at long_name = "precp_rate"
data at _FillValue = -9999.0
data at units = "mm/hr"
;--- Extract Lat Lon in 1D -----
lat1d = ndtooned( lat )
lon1d = ndtooned( lon )
dimx = dimsizes(lat)
nscan = dimx(0)
nscan = dimx(0)
nray = dimx(1)
do nlv = 0, nray-1
; create graphical resources
wtype = "png"
wtype at wkWidth = 1500 ; Set the pixel size of PNG image.
wtype at wkHeight = 1500
wks = gsn_open_wks(wtype, "gpmDPR-prcprate-LonHgt-"+nlv)
gsn_define_colormap(wks,"perc2_9lev") ; select color map
res at gsnMaximize = True ;make plot large
res at gsnPaperOrientation = "portrait" ;force portrait orientation
res at gsnSpreadColors = True ; use the entire color spectrum
res at cnFillOn = True ;enable contour fill
res at cnLinesOn = False ;turn off contour line
res at cnLineLabelsOn = False ;turn off contour line labels
res at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" ; set manual contour levels
res at cnMinLevelValF = 1 ;0.0 ; set min contour level
res at cnMaxLevelValF = 30 ; set max contour level
res at cnLevelSpacingF = 2 ; set contour spacing
res at lbLabelAutoStride = True
res at lbOrientation = "vertical" ;vertical labels
res at tiMainString = file_name
res at tiXAxisString = "nscan"
res at tiYAxisString = "nbin"
res at gsnLeftStringFontHeightF = 12 ; make font smaller
res at gsnRightStringFontHeightF = 12 ; make font smaller
res at trYReverse = True ; Flip the level axis
plot = gsn_csm_contour(wks,data(nbinHS|:, nrayHS|nlv, nscan|:),res)
end do
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