[ncl-talk] regridding WRF to coarser grid using "conserve" method
Juris Almonte
Juris.Almonte at umanitoba.ca
Wed Jun 21 17:05:20 MDT 2017
Dear NCL help,
I am having trouble regridding my WRF precipitation data (4 km) to a coarser grid (10 km grid with a polar stereographic projection) using the “conserve” method. I should note that it works for the “bilinear method”. I get the following error when using the “conserve” method. I am using NCL V6.3.
20170621 172919.788 INFO PET0 Running with ESMF Version 6.3.0rp1
20170621 172940.034 ERROR PET0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Concave Element Detected ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
20170621 172940.034 ERROR PET0 concave elem. id=683007
20170621 172940.034 ERROR PET0
20170621 172940.034 ERROR PET0 concave elem. coords (lon [-180 to 180], lat [-90 to 90]) (x,y,z)
20170621 172940.034 ERROR PET0 -----------------------------------------------------------------
20170621 172940.034 ERROR PET0 0 (-100.720581, 89.804306) (-0.000635, -0.003356, 0.999994)
20170621 172940.034 ERROR PET0 1 (-76.010437, 89.767494) (0.000981, -0.003938, 0.999992)
20170621 172940.034 ERROR PET0 2 (-133.219574, 89.857407) (-0.001704, -0.001814, 0.999997)
20170621 172940.034 ERROR PET0 3 (130.780121, 89.925125) (-0.000854, 0.000990, 0.999999)
20170621 172940.034 ERROR PET0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
20170621 172940.035 ERROR PET0 ESMCI_Regrid_F.C:178 c_esmc_regrid_create() Invalid argument - Dst contains a concave cell
20170621 172940.035 ERROR PET0 ESMCI_Regrid_F.C:434 c_esmc_regrid_create() Invalid argument Internal subroutine call returned Error
20170621 172940.035 ERROR PET0 ESMF_Regrid.F90:321 ESMF_RegridStore Invalid argument - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20170621 172940.035 ERROR PET0 ESMF_FieldRegrid.F90:1008 ESMF_FieldRegridStoreNX Invalid argument - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20170621 172940.035 ERROR PET0 ESMF_RegridWeightGen.F90:1152 ESMF_RegridWeightGenFile Invalid argument - Internal subroutine call returned Error
I have searched the archives regarding this error and have changed the longitudes of both the source and destination grids so that it goes from 0-360 instead of -180 to 180 as suggested, but I still get the same error. I have FTP’d the files in the following script.
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/esmf/ESMF_regridding.ncl"
;---Data file containing source grid
src_file = "/home/umalmonj/Jan_Apr_monthly_total_2d.nc" ;;---Change (likely)
src_constants = "/global/scratch/umalmonj/WRF/juris/CTRL/2D/wrfout_conus_constants.nc"
sfile = addfile(src_file,"r")
constants = addfile(src_constants,"r")
;---Get variable to regrid
prec_acc_nc = sfile->PREC_ACC_NC
var = dim_sum_n_Wrap(prec_acc_nc,0) ; this sums the variable for the 4 months
src_lat = constants->XLAT(0,:,:) ;;---Change (maybe)
src_lon = constants->XLONG(0,:,:) ;;---Change (maybe)
var at lat2d = src_lat ;;---Change (likely)
src_lon = where(src_lon.lt.0,src_lon+360,src_lon)
var at lon2d=src_lon
;---Data file containing destination grid
dst_file = "/global/scratch/umalmonj/WRF/juris/CaPA/AccumulatedtotalPrecipitation.nc" ;;---Change (likely)
dfile = addfile(dst_file,"r")
dst_lat = dfile->gridlat_0 ;;---Change (likely)
dst_long = dfile->gridlon_0 ;;---Change (likely)
dst_lon = where(dst_long.lt.0,dst_long+360,dst_long)
;---Set up regridding options
Opt = True
;---"bilinear" is the default. "patch" and "conserve" are other options.
Opt at InterpMethod = "conserve" ; might want to use conservative for precip
Opt at WgtFileName = "curv_to_curv.nc" ; optional
Opt at SrcGridLat = src_lat ; source grid
Opt at SrcGridLon = src_lon
Opt at SrcRegional = True ;;--Change (maybe)
Opt at SrcFileName = src_file ; optional, but good idea
Opt at SrcGridMask = where(.not.ismissing(var),1,0) ; Necessary if has
; missing values.
Opt at DstGridLat = dst_lat ; destination grid
Opt at DstGridLon = dst_lon
Opt at DstRegional = True ;;--Change (maybe)
Opt at DstGridMask = where(.not.ismissing(dst_lat).and.\
.not.ismissing(dst_lon),1,0) ; Necessary if lat/lon
; has missing values.
; there is an attribute in the dest. file called "corners", but there are four
; diff. numbers for both the lon and lat variables
; just let NCL figure out the corners...
; Opt at DstLLCorner = (/12.21208,217.1075/)
; Opt at DstURCorner = (/79.82558,147.6248/)
Opt at ForceOverwrite = True
Opt at PrintTimings = True
Opt at Debug = True
var_regrid = ESMF_regrid(var,Opt) ; Do the regridding
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
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