[ncl-talk] About pass missing code and error code to to function in obsp1_mult_time_dp.f?
Tao Lu
hakufu.asano at gmail.com
Mon Jan 23 09:06:12 MST 2017
Dear ncl-talk
I got the obj_anal_ic code from *[ncl-talk] process underlying
You can get it also from
The subroutine infomation is shown below:
subroutine dobjanlx(plon,plat,pval,ntim,npts,grid,mlon,nlat
& ,xmsg,pmsg ,rscan,nscan,glat,glon,smwgt,opt
& ,zval,zlat,zlon,ip,work,lwork,ier)
implicit none
c Objective Analysis via 'iterative improvement' [driver]
c NCL: grid = objanalii(plon,plat,pval,rscan,glat,glon,opt)
c nomenclature :
c . plat,plon - coordinates of observation in degrees
c . -90.<= plat =>90. ; {-180, 0}<= plon >=(180, 360}
c . pval - value of obs. [*] or ... [ntim][*]
c . grid - array which will hold the interpolated grid
c . mlon,nlat - no. of lon and lat points
c . glon,glat - vectors containing the lat/lon coords of the grid
c . longitudes must have same range as plon
c . rscan - vector containing scan radii (in degrees)
c . rscan(1)> rscan(2)> ...>rscan(nscan)
c . nscan - no. of scans to be performed (length of rscan)
c . it is recommended that multiple scans be
c . performed. the max number of scans is currently
c . 10. this may easily be adjusted by changing the
c . parameter nscmax and changing the length of the
c . data statement for smwgt. this routine was tested
c . with nscan=4 : rscan(1,2,3,4)=20.,15.,10.,7.5
c . rscan(nscan) should be .ge. the grid spacing.
c . xmsg - missing code for plat and plon
c . pmsg - missing code for pval
c . value to which grid points with no data
c . within rscan(1) degrees will be set
c . opt - option flag
c . ier - error code
I did some changes to the code and use
WRAPIT obsp1_mult_time_dp.f
Get shared object obsp1_mult_time_dp.o
So I need to use the subroutine dobjanlx like this
grid = average::dobjanlx(plon,plat,pval,ntim,npts,grid,mlon,nlat
& ,xmsg,pmsg ,rscan,nscan,glat,glon,smwgt,opt
& ,zval,zlat,zlon,ip,work,lwork,ier)
But I am confused with the how the xmsg, pmsg and ier are passed to the
subroutine dobjanlx.
What does missing code exactly mean?
And what is parameter ip is? How should I pass value to it?
Thank you,
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subroutine dobjanlx(plon,plat,pval,ntim,npts,grid,mlon,nlat
& ,xmsg,pmsg ,rscan,nscan,glat,glon,smwgt,opt
& ,zval,zlat,zlon,ip,work,lwork,ier)
implicit none
c Objective Analysis via 'iterative improvement' [driver]
c NCL: grid = objanalii(plon,plat,pval,rscan,glat,glon,opt)
c nomenclature :
c . plat,plon - coordinates of observation in degrees
c . -90.<= plat =>90. ; {-180, 0}<= plon >=(180, 360}
c . pval - value of obs. [*] or ... [ntim][*]
c . grid - array which will hold the interpolated grid
c . mlon,nlat - no. of lon and lat points
c . glon,glat - vectors containing the lat/lon coords of the grid
c . longitudes must have same range as plon
c . rscan - vector containing scan radii (in degrees)
c . rscan(1)> rscan(2)> ...>rscan(nscan)
c . nscan - no. of scans to be performed (length of rscan)
c . it is recommended that multiple scans be
c . performed. the max number of scans is currently
c . 10. this may easily be adjusted by changing the
c . parameter nscmax and changing the length of the
c . data statement for smwgt. this routine was tested
c . with nscan=4 : rscan(1,2,3,4)=20.,15.,10.,7.5
c . rscan(nscan) should be .ge. the grid spacing.
c . xmsg - missing code for plat and plon
c . pmsg - missing code for pval
c . value to which grid points with no data
c . within rscan(1) degrees will be set
c . opt - option flag
c . ier - error code
integer ntim,npts,mlon,nlat,nscan,lwork,ier
double precision plat(npts), plon(npts), pval(npts,ntim)
double precision rscan(nscan),glat(nlat),glon(mlon)
double precision smwgt(nscan), xmsg, pmsg
integer ip(npts)
double precision zval(npts,ntim),zlat(npts),zlon(npts)
double precision work(lwork)
logical opt
double precision grid(mlon,nlat,ntim)
c double precision, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: zval
c double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: zlat, zlon
c integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: ip
integer nscmax, kpts, k, n, nt, i, ker
parameter (nscmax=10)
c 'smwgt' is being passed in by C driver here, so this
c code is commented out.
c double precision smwgt(nscmax)
c completely arbitrary. use for 'blending' previous and current values
c data smwgt/1.0d0, 0.85d0, 0.70d0, 0.50d0, 6*0.25d0/
c sort the 'plat' into ascending latitude order: ip = permutation vector
C allocate this inside NCL C wrapper.
c allocate (ip(npts), stat=ker)
call dpsort(plat, npts, ip, 1, ker)
c eliminate bad or missing locations
C allocate these inside NCL C wrapper.
C allocate (zlat(npts), zlon(npts), zval(npts,ntim), stat=ker)
k = 0
do n=1,npts
i = ip(n)
if (plat(i).ne.xmsg .and. plon(i).ne.xmsg .and.
& abs(plat(i)).le.90.0d0 .and. plon(i).ge.-180.0d0 .and.
& plon(i).le.360.0d0 ) then
k = k+1
zlat(k) = plat(i)
zlon(k) = plon(i)
do nt=1,ntim
zval(k,nt) = pval(i,nt)
end do
end if
end do
kpts = k
c opt if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"blend_wgt")) then
c opt ier = 0
c opt do n=1,nscan
c opt smwgt(n) = opt at blend_wgt(n)
c opt if (smwgt(n).lt.0.0do .or. smwgt(n).gt.1.0d0) ier = -77
c opt end do
c opt if (ier.lt.0) return
c opt end if
C allocate this inside NCL C wrapper.
C lwork = 2*kpts
C allocate (work(lwork), stat=ker)
call dobjanl(zlon,zlat,zval,ntim,kpts,grid,mlon,nlat,pmsg
& ,rscan,nscan,work,lwork,glat,glon,smwgt,ier)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine dobjanl(plon,plat,pval,ntim,npts,grid,mlon,nlat,xmsg
& ,rscan,nscan,work,lwork,glat,glon,smwgt,ier)
implicit none
c Objective Analysis vis 'iterative improvement'
c NCL: grid = objanal_ii(plon,plat,pval,rscan,glat,glon,opt)
c nomenclature :
c . plat,plon - coordinates of observation in degrees
c . -90.<= plat =>90. ; {-180, 0}<= plon >=(180, 360}
c . pval - value of obs. [*] or ... [ntim][*]
c NOTE: this assumes the input triplet is in ascending latitude order
c . grid - array which will hold the interpolated grid
c . mlon,nlat - no. of lon and lat points
c . glon,glat - vectors containing the lat/lon coords of the grid
c . longitudes must have same range as plon
c . rscan - vector containing scan radii (in degrees)
c . rscan(1)> rscan(2)> ...>rscan(nscan)
c . nscan - no. of scans to be performed (length of rscan)
c . it is recommended that multiple scans be
c . performed. the max number of scans is currently
c . 10. this may easily be adjusted by changing the
c . parameter nscmax and changing the length of the
c . data statement for smwgt. this routine was tested
c . with nscan=4 : rscan(1,2,3,4)=20.,15.,10.,7.5
c . rscan(nscan) should be .ge. the grid spacing.
c . xmsg - value to which grid points with no data
c . within rscan(1) degrees will be set
c . work - work vector of length 2*npts
c . lwork - length of work vector = 2*npts or greater
c . smwgt - vector of length nscan containing blending weights
c . 0.0 < smwgt <=1.0
c . iopt - future option flag
c . ier - error code
integer ntim,npts,mlon,nlat,nscan,lwork,iopt,ier
double precision plat(npts), plon(npts), pval(npts,ntim), xmsg
double precision rscan(nscan),work(lwork),glat(nlat),glon(mlon)
double precision grid(mlon,nlat,ntim)
double precision smwgt(nscan)
integer nscmax, n, nstrt, nlast, ns, nt, nl, ml, nptlat, nptscan
parameter (nscmax=10)
integer nshold(nscmax) , nlhold(nscmax)
double precision coef, rad, radinv, sglat, cglat
& , wgt, toplat, botlat, dumy, swgt, val
ier = 0
if (npts .lt.2) ier = ier+1
if (mlon .lt.2 .or. nlat.lt.2) ier = ier+10
if (nscan.lt.1 .or. nscan.gt.nscmax) ier = ier+100
if (ier.ne.0) return
if (nscan.gt.1) then
do n=2,nscan
if (rscan(n).ge.rscan(n-1)) ier = -88
end do
if (ier.lt.0) return
end if
rad = 4.0d0*atan(1.)/180.0d0
radinv = 1.0d0/rad
c set all the output grid points to msg
do nt=1,ntim
do nl=1,nlat
do ml=1,mlon
grid(ml,nl,nt) = xmsg
end do
end do
end do
c circulate thru each grid pt
do nl=1,nlat
sglat = sin(glat(nl)*rad)
cglat = cos(glat(nl)*rad)
c isolate the observations within rscan(1,2,..nscan) deg of this lat
c . note: 1<=nstrt <=nlast <=npts
nstrt = 1
nlast = npts
do ns=1,nscan
nshold(ns) = 0
nlhold(ns) = 0
toplat = glat(nl)+rscan(ns)
botlat = glat(nl)-rscan(ns)
do n=1,npts
if (plat(n).gt.toplat) go to 18
if (plat(n).ge.botlat) then
if (nshold(ns).eq.0) nshold(ns) = n
nlhold(ns) = n
end if
end do
18 continue
c c c write(*,'(3f10.2,3i5)') botlat,glat(nl),toplat
c c c& , ns,nshold(ns),nlhold(ns)
end do
21 continue
c only do lon loop if there are obs within the lat bounds
if (nshold(1).gt.0) then
do ml=1,mlon
nstrt = nshold(1)
nlast = nlhold(1)
nptlat = nlast-nstrt+1
c determine the distance of all obs in this latitude band
c . from the current grid point in degrees of latitude
do n=nstrt,nlast
dumy = sglat*sin(plat(n)*rad) + cglat*cos(plat(n)*rad)
& * cos((plon(n)-glon(ml))*rad)
work(n) = acos( min(max( -1.0d0,dumy),1.0d0) )*radinv
c c c work(n) = acos( min(max( -1.0d0,
c c c& sglat*sin(plat(n)*rad) + cglat*cos(plat(n)*rad)
c c c& * cos((plon(n)-glon(ml))*rad)
c c c& ),1.0d0) )*radinv
c c c print * ,
c c c& nl,ml,n,plat(n),plon(n),glat(nl),glon(ml),work(n)
end do
c use successively smaller scans to analyze smaller scale features
do ns=1,nscan
if (nshold(ns).gt.0) then
coef = -4.0d0/rscan(ns)**2
nstrt = nshold(ns)
nlast = nlhold(ns)
nptscan = nlast-nstrt+1
c compute the weights; sum of wgt*obs; wgted average
do nt=1,ntim
swgt = 0.0d0
do n=nstrt,nlast
if (work(n).gt.rscan(ns) .or.
& pval(n,nt).eq.xmsg) then
work(n+npts) = 0.0d0
wgt = exp(coef*work(n)**2)
work(n+npts) = pval(n,nt)*wgt
swgt = swgt + wgt
end if
end do
if (swgt.gt.0.0d0) then
val = 0.0d0
do n=nstrt,nlast
val = val + work(npts+n)
end do
val = val/swgt
c ; blend
if (grid(ml,nl,nt).eq.xmsg) then
grid(ml,nl,nt) = val
grid(ml,nl,nt) = smwgt(ns)*val
& +(1.0d0-smwgt(ns))*grid(ml,nl,nt)
end if
end if
end do
end if
end do
end do
end if
100 continue
end do
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