[ncl-talk] Slice from original rotated coordinates to geographical coordinates
ospeyer at meteo.noa.gr
Wed Jan 11 07:58:34 MST 2017
Kind reminder,
Thank you all
From: ncl-talk-bounces at ucar.edu [mailto:ncl-talk-bounces at ucar.edu] On Behalf
Of Orestis
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2016 2:53 PM
To: ncl-talk at ucar.edu
Subject: [ncl-talk] Slice from original rotated coordinates to geographical
Hi everyone,
I am running the COSMO model and I'm trying to do a slice. This model
outputs results with rotated coordinates e.g. T (time, level, rlat, rlon).
I closely followed the example on
http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/Scripts/cosmo_2.ncl and I do get a
slice of the temperature (image attached).
The problem is the x-axis is in rotated coordinates and therefore difficult
to decipher.
Could you please help me in putting the x-axis in geographical coordinates?
Thank you all,
The script is as follows:
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
; ================================================;
; Read Data
lfile = addfile(PATHb+"/"+"lffd2015020112.nc","r")
cfile = addfile(PATHb+"/"+"lffd2015013012c.nc","r")
; read temperature
jval = 0 ; rotated latitude index for cross-section (M_Thission)
;t = jmb_getvar(lfile,"T",False) a cosmolib function, currently out of
order 9-12-2016
temp = lfile->T(:,:,jval,:) ;to reduce the dimensons by 1
t = dim_sum_n_Wrap(temp, 0) ;to reduce the dimensions by 1
;t := t-273.15 ; degrees Celsius
hhl = cfile->HHL(0,:,jval,:)
printMinMax (t,True)
printVarSummary (t)
printMinMax (hhl,True)
printVarSummary (hhl)
;print (hhl(40,:))
; get dimensions
nlev = dimsizes(t(:,0)) ;this gives nlev=40
nlon = dimsizes(t(0,:)) ;this gives nlev=130
; close files
; convert units
; t = t-273.15 ; degrees Celsius
hhl = 0.001 * hhl ; km
; compute data positions
x2d = conform_dims((/nlev,nlon/), t&rlon, 1) ;conform_dims (dims, r, ndim)
y2d = 0.5*(hhl(0:nlev-1,:)+hhl(1:nlev,:))
; open graphic port
ptype = "png"
wks = gsn_open_wks(ptype,"cosmo")
res = True
res at trGridType = "TriangularMesh" ; used for irregular mesh
res at sfXArray = x2d
res at sfYArray = y2d
res at tiXAxisString = "Rotated Longitude [deg]"
res at tiYAxisString = "Height [km]"
;;res at trXMinF =
;;res at trXMaxF =
res at trYMinF = 0.0
res at trYMaxF = 23.0
; setup contour plot resources
res at vpWidthF = 0.85
res at vpHeightF = 0.5
;;res at cnFillMode = "RasterFill"
res at gsnMaximize = True ; maxmize plot in frame
res at cnFillOn = True ; turn on color
res at cnLinesOn = False ; no contour lines
res at cnLineLabelsOn = False ; no contour labels
res at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" ; manual level selection
res at cnMinLevelValF = 180.0 ;
res at cnMaxLevelValF = 300.0 ;
res at gsnSpreadColors = True ; use full color map
res at gsnSpreadColorEnd = 2 ; skipt black&white
res at gsnSpreadColorEnd = -1 ; end of color table
res at pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "conditional"
res at gsnAddCyclic = False
res at lbOrientation = "vertical"
;; res at lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.015
;; res at lbLabelStride = 2
; postpone drawing
res at gsnDraw = False
res at gsnFrame = False
; make contour + map plot
pl = gsn_csm_contour(wks, t, res)
; add topography
res = True
res at gsLineColor = "black"
res at gsLineThicknessF = 1.0
pl at topopoly = gsn_add_polyline(wks, pl, t&rlon, hhl(nlev,:), res)
; draw and frame
; cleanup
Orestis Speyer,
Research Fellow, National Observatory of Athens
Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development
Phone: +30 210 8109170
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