[ncl-talk] Extracting "dates" if a threshold is exceeded in any gridpoint of a domain
Lyndon Mark Olaguera
olagueralyndonmark429 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 23:09:55 MDT 2017
Dear fellow NCL users,
I would like to extract the "date" when any grid point in a domain exceeds
a threshold value using NCL (daily time steps). I tried to create a netcdf
file of daily vorticity using the script below.
I would like to add a line in this script that will extract the date (day
month year) whenever a grid point from this domain is exceeded:
LAT : 7.5N to 27.5N
LON : 110E to 135E
the threshold value that I am using is 3e-5 per second.
I am attaching the netcdf file and the image in this email.
Is this possible in NCL?
Is there any function in NCL that can extract values from every gridpoint
in a specified domain?
I'll appreciate if anyone can point me to the right direction/functions to
implement this in NCL.
Many thanks in advance!
; variable and file handling
ufile = addfile("uwind_may_2003_700hPa.nc","r") ; open netcdf file
u = ufile->uwnd(:,0,:,:) ; pull u off file
lat = ufile->lat
lon = ufile->lon
vfile = addfile("vwind_may_2003_700hPa.nc","r")
v = vfile->vwnd(:,0,:,:) ; pull v off file
; calculate vorticity on a Gaussian Grid
;vrt = u ; retain coordinates
;vrt = uv2vrG_Wrap(u,v)
vr = uv2vr_cfd (u,v,lat,lon, 3)
vr at long_name = "vorticity"
vr at units = "per second"
; save to a netcdf file
ncdf = addfile("vort_700hPa.nc","c")
fAtt = True
fAtt at title = "Vorticity at 700hPa"
fAtt at source_file = "daily winds from NCEP-NCAR Reanaysis"
fAtt at Conventions = "None"
fAtt at creation_date = systemfunc("date")
fileattdef(ncdf,fAtt) ; copy file attributes
ncdf->vr = vr
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