[ncl-talk] Efficient way to spatially crop all variables in wrfout file

Tabish Ansari tabishumaransari at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 06:07:28 MST 2016


I've got a WRF-chem output file, a netCDF file with several grids, say
about 200x200 grid points. There are quite a lot of variables in the file
(almost about 300). All I need to do is to crop this file over a certain
region, say with 20x30 grid points. I know that I can do it individually
for each variable but that would be cumbersome to write.

Is there a more efficient method to do this? For example, I just tell NCL
to crop *all* variables over the same region?

Thanks very much in advance.


Tabish U Ansari
PhD student, Lancaster Environment Center
Lancaster Univeristy
Bailrigg, Lancaster,
LA1 4YW, United Kingdom
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