[ncl-talk] regridding with int2p_n_Wrap

Huanxin(Jessie) Zhang huanxinz at mtu.edu
Tue May 10 20:38:58 MDT 2016

Hi, All

I have tried to do some vertical regridding work with NCL function
int2p_n_wrap. I am trying to regrid the OH concentration (in kg/m3)  from
MERRA 2x2.5 grid (144x91x72) to GISS ModelE F40 (144x90x40). However, I
have found some negative values in the regridded grid when I set linlog =
-1. The negative values only happen on the first two levels near the
surface and the rest of the levels seem to be fine.  I think it is mainly
because of the extrapolation near the surface. If I set linlog = 1, there
will be some missing values in the first several levels near the surface
then. I also tried to regrid other units such as mixing ratio and the same
thing happens. I am not sure if it is because that the units can not just
be interpolated or if there are ways to conserve the mass? I just started
to learn how to use NCL and I couldn't figure out how to solve this. If
anyone has some comments on how to address this, I would really appreciate

Attached is the NCL script used and I have uploaded the files needed to run
the script to *ftp.cgd.ucar.edu/incoming
<http://ftp.cgd.ucar.edu/incoming>.* These files are:
OH_3Dglobal.geos5.72L.2x25.hemco.nc; pressure.MERRA.nc;

p.s. I am using NCL version 6.3.0 and the system I am on is linux

Thank you so much for your time!
Huanxin (Jessie) Zhang
PhD Candidate in Environmental Engineering-Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling
Dept. of Geological and Mining Engr. & Sciences
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI, 49931
Email: huanxinz at mtu.edu <huanxinz at mtu.edu>
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