[ncl-talk] Radar data plotting, no MAP_PROJ attribute

Ryan Connelly rconne01 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 16:35:17 MDT 2016


I have Level II radar data in netcdf format (using radx and the steps
outlined here:

I want to overlay it on a base map, in the same way I would with WRF data.
Here's a highly condensed version of what I have:

rf    = addfile(diri+fili,"r")
       rd    = rf->REF(:,:,:,:)          ; float REF(time, z0, y0, x0) ;

       rd_plane = rd(0,0,:,:)

       contour =  gsn_csm_contour(wks,rd_plane,radres)
       plot = wrf_map_overlays(rf,wks,(/contour/),radres,mpres)

I was just assuming the netcdf had location data packaged into it, but I
get the error:

(0) wrf_map: Error: no MAP_PROJ attribute in input file
fatal:overlay: missing value as input, can't continue

I tried adding in a wrf file I had laying around and using it for map
plotting, and while that got be a basemap, by radar data was obviously not
matched geographically (it showed the KOKX RDA over New York City!).


Ryan Connelly
M.S. Student in Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University
B.S. in Meteorology with Minors in Mathematics and GIS, Valparaiso
rconne01 at gmail.com
ryan.connelly at stonybrook.edu
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