[ncl-talk] overlaying data on the map

Ciao Kai Liang ciaokailiang at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 01:16:49 MDT 2016

Dear alll ncl users,

I try to make a plot of overlaying the wind speed (vector) and the ozone
concentration (contour) on the map. The wind speed vector is from MCIP
output and ozone concentration from CMAQ model. No error message occurs but
I get blank on the map(attached). Is something wrong in my script? Thx in


;read files=============================================================
f1 = addfile("METDOT3D","r")
f2 = addfile("CCTM_D502a_Linux2_x86_64ifort.ACONC.CMAQ20101001.nc","r")

u = f1->UWINDC(0,0,:,:) ;U at timestep 0  by 90X135
v = f1->VWINDC(0,0,:,:) ;V at timestep 0    by 90X135
ox = f2->O3(0,0,:,:)         ;ozone concentration at timestep 0  by 90X135

;set evn===============================================================
wks = gsn_open_wks("png","overlay")

vcres                      = True  ;Vector
vcres at gsnDraw    = False
vcres at gsnFrame  = False
cnres                      = vcres ;Contour
mpres                     = vcres ;Map

 cnres at gsnDraw              = False
 cnres at gsnFrame           = False

 cnres at cnFillOn               = True
 cnres at cnFillMode           = "RasterFill"     ; use raster mode
 cnres at cnLinesOn            = False
 cnres at tmYROn               = False            ; Turn off right tickmarks.
 cnres at tmXTOn               = False            ; Turn off top tickmarks.
 cnres at tmXBLabelFont        = "times-roman"
 cnres at tmYLLabelFont        = "times-roman"
 cnres at gsnMaximize          = True             ; Maximize the plot where it
is drawn
 cnres at gsnSpreadColors      = True             ; use full colormap

 cnres at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"
 cnres at cnMinLevelValF            = 10.  ; set the minimum contour level
 cnres at cnMaxLevelValF           = 120.   ; set the maximum contour level
 cnres at cnLevelSpacingF          = 10.    ; set the contour interval
 cnres at lbLabelStride                 = 1
 cnres at lbLabelFont          = "times-roman"

 cnres at tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.015
 cnres at tmYLLabelFontHeightF = 0.015

  vcres at vcLevelSelectionMode     = "ManualLevels"
  vcres at vcMinLevelValF                = -20.0
  vcres at vcMaxLevelValF               = 100.0
  vcres at vcLevelSpacingF              = 10.0
  vcres at vcLevelPalette                  = "amwg_blueyellowred"   ; assign
color map to vectors

  vcres at vcGlyphStyle                       = "LineArrow"
  vcres at vcLineArrowThicknessF      = 5
  vcres at vcMinDistanceF                   = 0.01
  vcres at vcRefLengthF                       = 0.03

  vcres at vcGlyphStyle                          = "WindBarb"
  vcres at vcWindBarbLineThicknessF   = 5
  vcres at vcWindBarbColor                   = "Gray40"

  vcres at vcRefAnnoOn               = True
  vcres at vcRefMagnitudeF           = 30
  vcres at vcRefAnnoString1          = "30"
  vcres at vcRefAnnoSide             = "Top"
  vcres at vcRefAnnoString2On        = False
  vcres at vcRefAnnoPerimOn          = False
  vcres at vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF   = -0.12
  vcres at vcRefAnnoParallelPosF     = 0.999
  vcres at vcRefAnnoBackgroundColor  = "Purple"
  vcres at vcVectorDrawOrder         = "PostDraw"
  vcres at gsnRightString            = "Wind"

  mpres at mpProjection               = "LambertConformal"
  mpres at mpLambertParallel1F  = 10.0
  mpres at mpLambertParallel2F  = 40.0
  mpres at mpLambertMeridianF   = 120.0
  mpres at tfDoNDCOverlay          = True
  mpres at mpLimitMode               = "Corners"
  mpres at mpLeftCornerLonF      = LON(0,0,0,0)
  mpres at mpLeftCornerLatF       = LAT(0,0,0,0)
  mpres at mpRightCornerLonF    =
  mpres at mpRightCornerLatF      =

  mpres at mpDataSetName          = "Earth..4"   ; This new database contains
  mpres at mpDataBaseVersion     = "MediumRes"  ; Medium resolution database
  mpres at mpOutlineOn                 = True         ; Turn on map outlines
  mpres at mpFillOn                         = True
  mpres at mpOutlineBoundarySets  = "AllBoundaries"
  mpres at mpGridAndLimbOn        = True
  mpres at mpGridLineDashPattern  = 2
  mpres at mpCenterRotF                 = 90.0

  mpres at mpLabelsOn                   = False
  mpres at mpPerimOn                    = True
  mpres at mpGridAndLimbOn        = False
  mpres at mpOutlineDrawOrder     = "PostDraw"
  mpres at mpFillDrawOrder            = "Predraw"
  mpres at mpOceanFillColor           = "lightskyblue1"
  mpres at mpLandFillColor               = "gray"

  mpres at mpGridAndLimbDrawOrder = "Predraw"
  mpres at tiMainString           =  "October 1 2010 ozone concentration(ppm)"

  vcid = gsn_csm_vector(wks,u,v,vcres)
  cnid = gsn_csm_contour(wks,ox*1000.,cnres)
  mpid = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres)

;---Attach the shapefile polylines using files read off gadm.org/country.
  lnres                  = True
  lnres at gsLineColor      = "gray25"
  lnres at gsLineThicknessF = 1.0
  twn_id = gsn_add_shapefile_polylines(wks,mpid,sfile,lnres)

;---Overlay contour, streamline, and vector plots on the map plot.


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